Critique My Diet Please

Hey guys, from march throughout the whole summer of last year I was eating a lot and lifting, and gained excess fat. Since September, I have been running, lifting, and wrestling (its a club, I don’t have to be at a weight, but Id like to get to a lower weight), and have lost a good amount of body fat, with my right upper abs being a little visible, but Id like to get all six bad boys popping. I tried making this easy to read, so hopefully it is, sorry its not.

Whey Protein, fish oil, ZMA’s, multi-vitamin, BCAA’s (before workout)

Interval training, like sprinting to one side of the field, and jogging to the other side.
Wrestling practice like 3 times a week, and when Im home, Jiu jistu.

Every 3 weeks, I change my reps and sets, starting with lower reps to eventually higher reps throughout the months. My exercises consist of squats, deadlifts, bench, Incline bench, standing overhead press, bent over rows, sumo deadlifts, recently pull ups, leg press, lat pulldowns, and planks for abs. I usually workout with weights mon, wed, fri, and dont do all these exercises obviously.

Diet: My biggest problem
I try to eat every 2-4 hours. I try to eat lean, with carbs in the morning.I have a sweet tooth, but try to stay away from sugar. Here is a general outline of my diet.

Breakfast: Fiber one cereal with a bananna and scoop of whey protein.

Post workout (I usually workout after breakfast) I have a scoop of whey and a bannana.

Lunch: grilled chicken, or turkey sandwich.

Snack: hummus with pita chips, or grilled chicken strips.

before bed: protein shake with water (or should I do milk while cutting?)

Like I said, its a rough generalization, but my diet is around this. The grilled chicken is usually with olive oil. Any critiques to help me get that legendary six pack?

BTW, I have a lot of heavy people in my family, and Im not heavy, but have always had a good amount of body fat. I have somewhat of a small frame, but am 20 years old, 6ft. and around 175 pounds. Can I also have milk while cutting?

Thank you! and if any questions, please ask!

you dont eat dinner? IMO thats not near enough food…and why are you cutting at 6ft. 175?

i dont know how i feel about your training either but…

not enough protein. do you need a banana right now?

i dont think so

not enough protein, nor carbs

eh. depending on how much chicken prob not enough (based on your current pro intake) again, bump on the WHY ARE YOU CUTTING but if you are you may need to turn the sandwich into a salad


dump the pita chips. dip chick strips in the hummus.

you should not do milk while cutting


your diet sucks for gaining, cutting, and living. you need way more protein, more fats/good carbs, veggies, anyway i doubt this is what you eat everyday. its a pretty shitty diet bro

dude. im 5’8 and heavier than you. you shouldnt be cutting IMO

[quote]Big_Pappa wrote:
Every 3 weeks, I change my reps and sets, starting with lower reps to eventually higher reps throughout the months. My exercises consist of squats, deadlifts, bench, Incline bench, standing overhead press, bent over rows, sumo deadlifts, recently pull ups, leg press, lat pulldowns, and planks for abs. I usually workout with weights mon, wed, fri, and dont do all these exercises obviously.
changing your reps/sets every three weeks is WAYYY too soon. You won’t see any noticeable gains in strength man? Give your body a friggin’ chance…

Diet: My biggest problem
I try to eat every 2-4 hours. I try to eat lean, with carbs in the morning.I have a sweet tooth, but try to stay away from sugar. Here is a general outline of my diet.

Breakfast: Fiber one cereal with a bananna and scoop of whey protein.

Post workout (I usually workout after breakfast) I have a scoop of whey and a bannana.

Lunch: grilled chicken, or turkey sandwich.

Snack: hummus with pita chips, or grilled chicken strips.

before bed: protein shake with water (or should I do milk while cutting?)

Like I said, its a rough generalization, but my diet is around this. The grilled chicken is usually with olive oil. Any critiques to help me get that legendary six pack?

BTW, I have a lot of heavy people in my family, and Im not heavy, but have always had a good amount of body fat. I have somewhat of a small frame, but am 20 years old, 6ft. and around 175 pounds. Can I also have milk while cutting?

Thank you! and if any questions, please ask! [/quote]

Your biggest is both your diet and training.

Your food selection isn’t bad; but I know it’s not enough. Even for cutting (which at your high/weight is retarded but whatever).

Add more food, yes milk is good (preferably whole milk)…and if you don’t HAVE abdominal muscles worthy of a “six pack” then all the cutting in the world won’t make you happy with it. Put on some muscles (more and everywhere on yourself) and THEN think about it…

Good luck.

Thanks a lot guys. About cutting now, sorry I didnt make it clear. I wrestle pretty much from October to the beginning of march, and sometimes need to fill weight classes sometimes, and take advantage of the cardio that i do during wrestling. in the end, this is the most convenient time to start cutting on body fat. then in march, all throughout summer, i start eating more and lifting heavy.

the grilled chick I eat is usually 4 pieces, which I think is 4 ounces. I also snack on some turkey between times.
Maybe I should start counting calories?
Is there an amount of protein I should consume while cutting? Especially after working out, I thought a scoop (24 grams of protien) when cutting and two scoops while bulking was suppose to be the case.