Creatine: Best Products?

Okay; Creatine can be taken with Surge. Any thoughts on the best products? Any thoughts specifically on a) AST Micronized Creatine and b)EAS Synthovol HP? (About Synthevol HP; would the added D-Pinitol, Taurine, and ALA “affect” the action of Surge in any negative way?)

Listen–you are really stressing over something simple. Just get plain creatine from a reputable company like Twinlab, prolab, met-rx, EAS, etc. Then dump a teaspoon into surge. Surge already contains enough carbs and aminos to provide an effect. Keep it simple.

I’ve tried the majority of 2nd and 3rd generation creatine supplements and have had the best results from plain old creatine without the crap. Just add a serving to your Surge and you’ll be fine.

just out of curiosity, how do you feel after creatine?

What visible results do you see?

I seem to feel hyper…to the point that i cannot sleep, no matter how sleep deprived i am, after taking creatine.

my muscles seem to be happy, and I haven’t lost strength, despite some periods of fasting that i was forced to endure.

you peeps?

wing, creatine doesn’t affect your sleep. Are you working out in the evening? For some people, their workout energizes them, making it difficult to get to sleep.

You should only take your creatine PWO. Take it with something (like Surge) that spikes insulin.

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

stick with a simple micronized creatine. None of that bells and whistles, carb loaded, super absorbable, enhanced creabull.

Just ny 2cc.


Count me among the naysayers. I’ve tried every possible product, and followed all the recommendations regarding insulin response, etc. No go. Every time I tried the only thing I ended up with was stomach distress and very disturbing bowel malfunctions…not pretty. I’ve since learned that at least 10% are like me: call us “non-responders,” I suppose, or “non-toleraters.”

But I’ve lately taken to incorporating one of the latest incarnations…tricreatine malate. I’ve used both San’s “Cubed” and Syntrax’s “Swole,” and both are great. No need to load, no need to incorporate excess carbs, and no stomach distress. The best stuff since whey protein!!

Damn this thread is over 3 years old! Back from the dead! Hey, looks like someone is using the search engine at least!

Anyway, I vote for micronized plain creatine too.

And Bosco, better read the David Barr article at T-mag from last week about Swole creatine. Unhealthy stuff.

Might not want to use Swole any more check the article from last week.

A cannister of micronized creatine powder is going to be the best as everyone else has suggested. Just make sure its from a reputable company. Save the effervescents for “cheat day” after too many chicken wings.


I suspect that you might also have taken a hearty dose of the ever popular placebo effect with that creatine, eh?

Get your creatine from a reputable company and mix it with your Surge like everyone else has said.

My trick is to take this mixture 20 minutes after I shoot 12 IUs if insulin. I need the carbs regardless, but I know the insulin will DRIVE the creatine into my muscles.

OUCH!! Wow, hurts to see that you may have tossed your money away on garbage, huh?

In my defense, however, I should point out that–after a brief flirtation with the SAN product–I switched over to a knock-off product produced locally by my friend/supplement source (multi-million dollar business, multiple stores, etc). His product contains the tricreatine malate, but not the other nasty stuff referenced in the Barr article. Who would’ve thunk that the other stuff is not only unneeded, but also dangerous.

Still, two caveats: I’m sure that Barr is a knowledgable guy and excellent researcher, but I’m pretty sure that Cornelius (??) from Syntrax could find similar studies refuting those warnings. (Which doesn’t mean I’d run out and buy some Swole…I’ll err on the side of caution, thanks very much.) Secondly, Barr’s article still does little for a guy like me. I sure as shit (pun intended) can’t take regular creatine, so what viable option exists for me and other poor shits (pun) like me??

Lastly, Eric, I take your point (pointed sarcasm noted). Still, I’m a research staff of one. Tough to tell if I feel particularly good because of the new creatine knockoff I’m trying, or because I’m incorporating some of Tampa-Terry’s diet tips, or because a Christian T. workout is working particularly well. Live and learn, huh? (Although few of us ever do particularly well with the latter half of that equation, huh?)


I was referring the original post about creatine making one “hyper.” My apologies for not clarifying; the GI distress isn’t that uncommon.

You might consider a gradual introduction of 2-3g/day for 30 days instead of the classic loading phase. This is more along the lines of what you could get if you just ate a ton of meat.

If you took creatine with Surge, wouldn’t the creatine have to compete with the high amounts of BCAAs and hydrolyzed whey for absorption?

No sweat, Eric, and no apologies needed.

Bosco, have you tried taking a SMALL dose of creatine with your “uber-insulin stimulating drink”, some sodium and some ALA? This would maximize absorbtion and minimize GI distress, because you’re barely ingesting any creatine.


just use a good pharmacuetical grade creatine. I use Jarrow.

Thanks for the advice. I’m going to do another month or so in my tricreatine malate test run, and then decide if I should go back to regular creatine. If I do decide on the regular, I might try a concoction like the “cocktail” you recommend.

A bir out of scope, but would you guys consider “Iron Tek” a reputable company.

I’ve got some micornized creatine from them sitting in my cabinet and have not used it since I wasn’t sure about Iron Tek’s reputation??