Here’s what I know about dissolving creatine…
Creatine is abaout as water-soluble as sand. You all know this already. There are a couple of ways to improve solubility of an insoluble substance, which I hope I remember from chemistry. (1) Agitate the solution… I find shaking in a Powerade bottle works well. (2) Increase the amount of solvent, decrease the amount of solute… Use more water, or juice and less creatine. (3) Heat the solution (4) Dissolve in something else.
Number (3) is not viable because heating speeds up chemical reactions too, like the conversion of creatine to something called creatinine (I think) which does no good, and if I recall correctly is actualy harmful. Creatine is such a bitch, it will apparently de-nature when it comes into contact with tap-water, albeit slowly. We don’t want to speed this up. Also, and this is IMPORTANT, the pH or the acidity of the solution is important - creatine de-natures in an acid medium, so don’t take it with anything acidic, like orange juice. Look for something with a pH greater than 7, meaning alkaline. You’ll see a rating on the side of bottles of mineral water, for example. Also, your stomach acid will mess the creatine up. It’s possible that taking it with an over-the-counter antacid may help buffer the acid and dump sooner into the small intestine where the creatine is absorbed… Although too much antacid will interfere with the hydrolytic digestion of complex proteins (like that cow you ate for breakfast… LOL).
Carbs (that includes Glucose and sugars) are needed to cause an insulin spike to prompt uptake of the creatine into the muscle. Dextrose or glucose is found in grape-juice which is why it is recommended. Anything that will trigger an insulin spike will work, but heavy stuff that will take a long time to digest will make the creatine hang around and de-nature.
What I do is:
In a 500ml bottle, place 450ml cold water (to allow room to shake). First I add a little antacid (Gaviscon). I then add about 3-4g of finely milled creatine powder and about 20g of glucose powder, as well as a some ordinary cane-sugar (to taste). I then shake the bottle like a man posessed. After about 30s of shaking the stuff’s pretty much clear and I swallow it on an empty stomach after or towards the end of a workout. About 10 to 15 minutes later, I take a 50/50 carb/protein shake to replenish glycogen and load protein. Once I started doing this, I have had no problems with cramping, diahorrea, gas, etc. I take about 30g a day, however I am into martial arts and sport in general and not pro bodybuilding, so I can’t speak about muscle gains… it really helps my speed and stamina though
As alternatives, you can try Effervescent Creatine which is expensive, Creatine titrate (pH manipulation done for you). And you guys are right - apparently creatine serums don’t work…
I’m also interested to know if L-glutamine is alkaline (it tastes alkaline) and that’d really help make a cool stack.