I was wondering how creatine effects alcohol. Are there any side effects? Does using creatine allow you to drink more alcohol (i think it probably should, because by bringing water in your cells, you have more water to dilute the alcohol).
Does creatine effect testosterone at all? and finally are there any negative side effects to creatine use (i’ve heard it can mess up your kidneys real bad, but i’ve also heard it does nothing…)?
[quote]eatdeuce wrote:
I was wondering how creatine effects alcohol. Are there any side effects? Does using creatine allow you to drink more alcohol (i think it probably should, because by bringing water in your cells, you have more water to dilute the alcohol).
Does creatine effect testosterone at all? and finally are there any negative side effects to creatine use (i’ve heard it can mess up your kidneys real bad, but i’ve also heard it does nothing…)?
thanks for any help you can give me. [/quote]
Pretty much all i can tell you is that creatine doesnt affect test. levels
It seems like your questions is how much can I booze without throwing away my money on creatine. When alcohol is broken down in the body it is converted to acetaldehyde which is a muscle toxin. a coupe of drinks may not be a big deal just don’t make it a regular occurence to get trashed. I’m not exatly sure whether or not alcohol direcly effects creatine, but it does put your muscle cells into an adverse environment.
[quote]eatdeuce wrote:
I was wondering how creatine effects alcohol. Are there any side effects? Does using creatine allow you to drink more alcohol (i think it probably should, because by bringing water in your cells, you have more water to dilute the alcohol).
Does creatine effect testosterone at all? and finally are there any negative side effects to creatine use (i’ve heard it can mess up your kidneys real bad, but i’ve also heard it does nothing…)?
thanks for any help you can give me. [/quote]
In my humble opinion, i think creatine is almost as basic as protein…im not saying it should be in EVERYONES supplement aresenal, buts its a great product thats cheap and works…side effects?? as long as your drinking enough water u will be fine, i drink 1 gallon a day, which i know cuz i only buy gallons, and water is something u cant get enough of…id stay away from alcohol to begin with even if ur not taking creatine cuz its only goin to impede your progres, but, if u are going to drink which i do, just use ur head, dont get wasted every night of the week…saturday with ur freinds, go for it have a good time…and there are zero connections with your Test activity…btw, are you taking creatine monohydrate, ethyl ester, or what?? just curious
Nothing personal to all of you, but if you search this site, I’m sure you will find more than enough information stating the downsides of excessive alcohol consumption on your weightlifting regimine.
1.) Hangovers can destroy a workout.
2.) Dehydration is not fun.
3.) Heavy drinking of alcohol has been shown to decrease testosterone.
4.) Alcohol is empty carbohydrates.
I know people who take massive doses of both alcohol and creatine and besides being absolutely insane, they have not dropped dead yet. My advice would be that you research the downsides of this type of alcohol consumption on your body before progressing any furthers w/ these ideas.
[quote]IronWarrior34 wrote:
eatdeuce wrote:
I was wondering how creatine effects alcohol. Are there any side effects? Does using creatine allow you to drink more alcohol (i think it probably should, because by bringing water in your cells, you have more water to dilute the alcohol).
Does creatine effect testosterone at all? and finally are there any negative side effects to creatine use (i’ve heard it can mess up your kidneys real bad, but i’ve also heard it does nothing…)?
thanks for any help you can give me.
In my humble opinion, i think creatine is almost as basic as protein…im not saying it should be in EVERYONES supplement aresenal, buts its a great product thats cheap and works…side effects?? as long as your drinking enough water u will be fine, i drink 1 gallon a day, which i know cuz i only buy gallons, and water is something u cant get enough of…id stay away from alcohol to begin with even if ur not taking creatine cuz its only goin to impede your progres, but, if u are going to drink which i do, just use ur head, dont get wasted every night of the week…saturday with ur freinds, go for it have a good time…and there are zero connections with your Test activity…btw, are you taking creatine monohydrate, ethyl ester, or what?? just curious[/quote]
actually i dont use creatine and all right now. i have been thinking about taking monohydrate though… that seems like the best choice right now, although i havent done much research about ethyl ester yet.
Alcohols are not carbohydrates, they are alcohols and digested as such.
The amount of carbs in beer and some cocktails is enormous though, combined with the effect of alcohol to drop your blood sugar and make you hungry this can easily lead to weight gain.
Creatine has actually been shown to slightly increase Test levels, even more so when beta-alanine is combined.
Source: T-Nation
I wouldn’t know how much it would help with alcohol comsumption. I would say little, if any. The alcohol would probably just make you piss out most of the creatine since the body will be concentrating on detoxing the body and not worry about building muscle. When you drink, fat metabolism is also slowed down a lot, due to the liver making it first priority to get rid of the alcohol.
while we’re on the topic of creatine, i was wondering at what point should the creatine be drank? Should you shake it and drink it while u can still see the particles floating around, or should it have mixed in with the water totally, so only the color is different, but there are no particles?
[quote]eatdeuce wrote:
while we’re on the topic of creatine, i was wondering at what point should the creatine be drank? Should you shake it and drink it while u can still see the particles floating around, or should it have mixed in with the water totally, so only the color is different, but there are no particles?
mix it slam it, hot water if needing it to dissolve more but main thing take it dont let it sit around and convert to creatinine
Both can f*** the liver! Of course it depends on the quantities, but while it’s normal to recommend 15 grams of creatine in the loading phase, this plus heavy drinking it’s definetely bad for your liver and kidneys.