Hey everyone i’m new and I got a question for yall. I’ve been taking creatine for awhile and when I drink booze I seem to feel aggressive or just weird. Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?
Well they surely wont help one another but if you think creatine or alcohol is making you aggressive Nah its just you. I dont care how shit facfed you are what you choose to do and how ou feel in thats state is you.
Your right though your body may be pissed at you for being dehydrated
[quote]jeff86 wrote:
Hey everyone i’m new and I got a question for yall. I’ve been taking creatine for awhile and when I drink booze I seem to feel aggressive or just weird. Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?[/quote]
what the hell are you talking about? your jsut lifting and thinknig your a tough guy when your drunk, creatine has nothing to do with it. your jsut an asshole. creatine is 3 ammino acids. saying you get made of creatine is like saying you ate a hamburger and punched someone in the face. stop thinking your tough cause your not
[quote]budlight1 wrote:
jeff86 wrote:
Hey everyone i’m new and I got a question for yall. I’ve been taking creatine for awhile and when I drink booze I seem to feel aggressive or just weird. Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?
what the hell are you talking about? your jsut lifting and thinknig your a tough guy when your drunk, creatine has nothing to do with it. your jsut an asshole. creatine is 3 ammino acids. saying you get made of creatine is like saying you ate a hamburger and punched someone in the face. stop thinking your tough cause your not[/quote]
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.
[quote]Countrylasttime wrote:
Budlight is right. And your a penis wrinkle for trying to criticize his spelling. Who fucking cares? It’s an internet bodybuilding forum. Let’s take a look at your post…
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.[/quote]
Asshole is one word, and only has one L. Grammar is spelled with AR not ER. And if you want to get any more techincal, you should have capitalized P in please.
[quote]jeff86 wrote:
Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?[/quote]
It’s not going to make you an aggro fucker, but it might fuck you up.
I had a night on the piss when I was using creatine about 5 years ago. I’ve never been so sick in my life. I puked for days on end. I only had about 8 beers too which has never had that effect on me.
I don’t know the answer, but I would be cautious.
[quote]Countrylasttime wrote:
budlight1 wrote:
jeff86 wrote:
Hey everyone i’m new and I got a question for yall. I’ve been taking creatine for awhile and when I drink booze I seem to feel aggressive or just weird. Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?
what the hell are you talking about? your jsut lifting and thinknig your a tough guy when your drunk, creatine has nothing to do with it. your jsut an asshole. creatine is 3 ammino acids. saying you get made of creatine is like saying you ate a hamburger and punched someone in the face. stop thinking your tough cause your not
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.[/quote]
i misyped 3 words and wrote 2 words wrong. what the hell are you talking about? what is the big deal about typing right? why does it make a difference? why don’t you shut up and eat some food and lift something heavy.
[quote]Kael231 wrote:
Countrylasttime wrote:
Budlight is right. And your a penis wrinkle for trying to criticize his spelling. Who fucking cares? It’s an internet bodybuilding forum. Let’s take a look at your post…
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.
Asshole is one word, and only has one L. Grammar is spelled with AR not ER. And if you want to get any more techincal, you should have capitalized P in please.
haha thanks
[quote]Kael231 wrote:
Countrylasttime wrote:
Budlight is right. And your a penis wrinkle for trying to criticize his spelling. Who fucking cares? It’s an internet bodybuilding forum. Let’s take a look at your post…
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.
Asshole is one word, and only has one L. Grammar is spelled with AR not ER. And if you want to get any more techincal, you should have capitalized P in please.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say he was being sarcastic.
Aside from that, I think we need to give the kid a break. He said he was new to everything, and while it is obviously in his head, at least he’s making sure he’s a moron.
There isn’t a direct relationship. The others are probably right in that you got really dehydrated and that amplified your aggressive, alcohol-induced mood.
Easiest solution is not to drink much.
[quote]Kael231 wrote:
Budlight is right. And your a penis wrinkle for trying to criticize his spelling. Who fucking cares? It’s an internet bodybuilding forum. Let’s take a look at your post…
I’m sure you meant “you’re a penis wrinkle” not “your”, right?
As far as dehydration, it’s something you should definitely be concerned about. When I first started taking creatine I wasn’t drinking nearly enough… then I went out and drank a ton of vodka and in the morning my throat felt like the size of a pin point. I’m not definitely sure if it was the creatine or what, but it sucked ass.
[quote]jeff86 wrote:
Hey everyone i’m new and I got a question for yall. I’ve been taking creatine for awhile and when I drink booze I seem to feel aggressive or just weird. Are there dangers or side effects to drinking alchohol while taking creatine other than dehydration?[/quote]
Any straight liquer makes me one mean ass kickin shit stompin mother. Don’t think thats from all the supps in my system, probably some other issues.
In all seriousness, creatine will cause some stomach issues to those sensitive and cramping on its own, I wouldnt make things worse my drinking lots of alcohol with it. Best to space creatine intake and alcohol probably at least 4 hrs apart.
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.[/quote]
Ahh, I love it when people own their own ass like that.
Yeah, ass holl, I’m talking to you
[quote]Muppet wrote:
Wow…what a horribly typed post. If you want to attack someone and call them an ass holl, seriously, learn to spell, and learn grammer. please.
Ahh, I love it when people own their own ass like that.
Yeah, ass holl, I’m talking to you
One of my bigger fears when correcting someone on their spelling or grammar is that I’ll misspell something or miss a typo.
I used to put the creatine in wine coolers back when I had a nice traveling sales job. Get to the hotel, drink creatine and wine cooler, hit the gym, hit the pool, shower, eat and hit the bars. Repeat in two week cycles.
It fizzed a bit if I remember, so you have to drink the wine cooler down some.
(The wine coolers were free, before someone calls me gay).
[quote]doogie wrote:
I used to put the creatine in wine coolers back when I had a nice traveling sales job. Get to the hotel, drink creatine and wine cooler, hit the gym, hit the pool, shower, eat and hit the bars. Repeat in two week cycles.
It fizzed a bit if I remember, so you have to drink the wine cooler down some.
(The wine coolers were free, before someone calls me gay).[/quote]
Once I had a beer at the same time as a fish oil capsule. I went beserk and killed a bunch of people.
PS u ass holls shud lern propar spellng and grammer…