Holy fuck.
While I don’t necessarily agree with the core strength part, that’s some of the craziest bodyweight-strength ratio capability I’ve seen aside from gymnasts in a while… Thanks for the great vid!
260lb man doing that? oy
Say hello to the gymnastics of Hip Hop. Amazing.
That’s some of the most impressive shit i’ve seen. Awesome. Some of that stuff does take some great core strength just to keep the body stiff. Really cool.
Some pretty neat stuff, but if you have ever seen Olympic gymnasts they can’t be beat in bodyweight strength and control.
can you imagine the hip hop police chasing them up buildings
the only impressive move is the level jump. Everything else is relatively low level gymnastics stuff. Its all really sloppy too. Any gymnast should be able to show them up.
thats strength^
Pretty impressive, especially since a lot of that looks like untrained brute strength, not balance and momentum. The strenth endurance is also crazy. There are a lot of cool videos on you tube with guys like that doing tough bodyweight workouts and tricks on pullup and dip bars. They also seem to have groups and crews and stuff of guys who do that and train together. Cool stuff.
Maybe Olympic gymnasts can do better, but these guys aren’t olympic gymnasts. Just regular people.
I just kept waiting to see them rep out some one arm pullups; still good stuff, but nothing too crazy
Check out 1:21. It certainly has a hip hop feel to it. Maybe not as good as olympic gymnastics, but maybe it’s just different.
[quote]Satanicuslupis wrote:
the only impressive move is the level jump. Everything else is relatively low level gymnastics stuff. Its all really sloppy too. Any gymnast should be able to show them up.
thats strength[1]
Some people just cannot just gives props where it is due. The fact that these guys are not PROFESSIONALLY trained is amazing.
Satanicus, you obviously do not know what you are talking about as the video you posted is not a strength routine by gymnastic standards. There are many videos you could have chosen as a strength routine, the gymnast is using momentum to get back into the handstand position.
I am looking forward to the video of yourself showing these guys up.
/quote ↩︎
Not bad, but how much can they squat? Let’s see the wheels!
Who else opened this thread sure that it would be about Bruce Lee or some douche on a bosu ball.
Instead, this. I agree: beast.
Hopefully the inspired some kids to get strong and assert themselves.
they could take the crossfit world by storm! hehe kinda looks like this could be the new parkour?
The elevator move was just insane.
ghetto olympics.lol. that was awsome!