About 5 years ago in a gym in my home town, this juiced out freak who loved to overload the bar and tried to show off was doing legs. He loaded about 750 lbs on the power rack and got under to do a squat. He went down ok and as he was trying to push his way back up he turned bright red and seemed to be stuck in the down position. After straining he mangaed to get about halfway back up and then BOOM!! his jugular burst and blood sprayed all over the fucking place and he bled to death right there on the floor waiting for the ambulence.
That never happened. Everyone knows that’s just an urban legend. A guy wrote in to MM2k when it was cool & wrote the exact same bullshit. If I trained at a gym the craziest thing I’d see would be a guy trying to impress others by telling urban legends about a guy blowing a blood vessel squatting.
A skinny bastahd fully equipped with baggy pants, mesh tank top, bandanna, sunglasses, wrist bands and weight belt working his way through the cybex machines. This was about 4 months ago.
First of all, if the guy was able to do 750 lbs. squatting on the power rack, (even if juiced) he would’nt be “skinny” as you call him. I don’t believe the myth. the craziest thing I ever saw was some flabby fellow trying to bench 405 lbs. and gettin only half-way to his chest from the top of the rack yet still gettin the applause and cheers from spectators. it amazed me how the “regulars” of the gym sidestepped the fact that his form was improper and incomplete.
I saw a guy get pinned to the floor in a hack squat machine after both knees dislocated. We’re talking lower legs folded out to the sides and up! We moved the weight up and locked it out for him. Took awhile for the ambulance to arrive. This is a true story by the way.
No shit, once I saw this guy setting up to deadlift. Big bear of motherfucker. Obvious juicer we’re talking. Dude completes a couple warmup reps with 675! Loads the bar to 1200! Squats down, sets his grip, and then tried to quickly explode up from the bottom. He stood up all right, but his fucking arms where still attached to the fucking bar! So as blood starts pumping out of his shoulder stumps he realizes ‘yo, I’m wormfood’ and begins to scream and cry for help and. The other trainees and the walls are just covered in this guys blood in a matter of seconds.
Took the bastard 5 minutes to shit, gurgle, and die. He fought hard, he fought bravely, but he in the fucking end anyways. Remember go slow out of the bottom of your deads.
His jugular blew. Yeah, right. If that HAD ever happened, you can bet that some media moron would have jumped on the story and done a huge piece on how weightlifting causes massive exsanguination and was bad for your health. We don’t need this kind of bullshit post on this board - why don’t you go over to Catabolic Extreme and lie to them instead? I hear they actually LIKE it.
True story… this guy was in the gym and it was pretty quiet on a saturday afternoon. He had only been training probably 3 months and was showing off for his son who was with him and who he only got to see on weekends. He was doing calf raises on a bodymasters power squat machine which is somewhat like a dual purpose hack squat/front squat machine and he was facing the machine frontways (if you could imagine getting into a hack squat machine backwards and letting your heels hang off the top of the metal plate doing calf raises this is kind’ve what it looked like) Hehad probably 600 lbs on it doing calf raises in very poor form. I saw that what he was doing could be dangerous so I showed him how to do a one legged dumbell calf raise off of a block but he went right back to using the squat machine anyway and while I was watching him towards the end of his set he started tiring and started to take a step forward to get in position to return the handle to the catch position but as he did he kindve slipped and the weight came crashing straight down on him twisting his foot 180 degrees with the full force of 600 lbs sending him right to the ground. He rolled off of the plate on the ground screaming in pain and I immediately called the ambulance as it was evident he had broken something. Turned out to be a completely shattered ankle which he had to go through 3 different surgeries to repair. Some people
Richard Simmons came into my gym looked around went over to the squat rack no warm up did 500 pds for 3 reps. jumped up loaded a bar on the floor did 700 on deadlifts…looked around went over to the bench press threw on 315 nailed about 15 reps…he then proceeded to get up and out of the blue jared (subway guy) comes in smerked at Richard so called achievement went over and did clean and jerks with 315 on the bar…after this he proceeded to strap on 90 pounds and nailed 8 solid reps on pullups…after the intense workout they both came face to face…they loudly spoke that they too agreed they were good, but not as good as tony little…at that time tony came into the door…richard and jared flew out of there like a fat woman running away from a scale…at the door they agreed that slimfast was the best solution and hurried to subway for their post workout vegetarian sub…tony just sneered them and did 24 hours straight crazy eliptical machine…the end…oh my bad i thought we were talkin about nightmares. lol
Joe Roark started a post sort of like this on the grip board. Around 1940 Strength & Health magazine had a column where guys would write in with bullshit stuff they made up (stuff like lifting a car with one hand to change a tire & undoing the bolts with the other) just to be funny. The post is pretty funny.
I saw this guy clap & rub his hands together & it looked like it was a big cloud of smoke that filled the air around him, but he’d just smashed his IM #4 gripper in his hand!
I could make some shit up and chances are one other person would think it was funny. Instead I’ll tell about a thing I didn’t quite see and I’m still wondering about.
This chick comes in the free weight area, she’s pretty hot…kind of looks like a triathlete or something. I was busy doing my thing. On the Smith machine there was a bench and the bar was loaded with 2 45s and a 25 on each side. I thought someone had left it that way. I was finishing up some reverse grip pulldowns and I heard the hooks catch on the Smith machine. The chick gets off the bench and leaves to get a drink. I don’t know if she moved the weight but I know she was under it with the hooks released. She didn’t weigh over 135. I was still thinking about that when she came back and jumps up on the chin bar and does 8 very slow pullups with a hold at the top (bar even with her collar bone). I haven’t seen her since. My wife weighs about 132. She can do 3 pull ups and can’t quite get 135 up on the bench press…but she doesn’t workout. This other lady…man…I don’t know about her.
Not something I saw happen, but I saw the picture of the result. It apparently happened at an Olympic Lifting meet, the guy must have been going for the overhead part of the lift (with legs split front and back) – (sorry guys, I’m not versed in Olympic lifts at all) – But any way, the picture was of this guy pinned to the floor with his front leg (lower part) folded in half, obvious pain, and another guy trying to get the bar off him. That image still gives me nightmares.