i’m on my max-effort lower body day for WS4SB3, so here’s what my workout was supposed to be:
Box Squat: work up to a PR of 260 lbs x 3 (from 250x3 last week)
Eccentric Work (for patellar tendinosis): 3x15
Hamstring/PC Movement: Romanian Deadlift 3x8 - 195 lbs
Abs - Spread Eagle Situps - 4x12 (25 lbs)
here’s what i did for warm ups for the box squat
normally i would do 5-6 total warm up sets, but this time i did 8. i loaded up 260 and began my set. on the first rep, i got down to the box and wouldn’t even budge (thank goodness for those safety spotter rods!). i took it down to 255 and waited about 4-5 minutes. same result! needless to say, i felt completely drained, not to mention pissed off and disappointed. i couldn’t even complete my workout.
i’ve been able to progress steadily on the box squat (rotating with snatch grip deadlifts in 3 week cycles) and deloading every 4th week, which was only 2 weeks ago. also, i know i’ve been eating enough and well enough.
i think the problems could be with my sleep. my sleep has been really erratic since school started. i would sleep maybe 6 hours, go to school, then nap for almost 2 hours when i get home. i know sleep is critical for recovery especially when you’re constantly trying to set PRS, so could this be my issue?
also, as i’ve said about the warmups, i only do about 5-6 warm up sets. could the 8 set warmup today have left my muscles too tired for the work set?
so now i’m not sure what to do. should i get plenty of sleep (i know i will since i don’t have work or school tomorrow) and give it another go, or just wait until my next ME lower day?
thanks for reading the long post, and any advice is greatly appreciated!