What is some of the lingo being used on this forum such as FSL, BBB, going 5 forward then 3 back in some programs?
I think my program is pretty well rounded, I do chuck chin ups and calf work in as super sets some of the bigger lifts.
I’ve recently started ice hockey so I am trying to get a bit more explosive and use my strength functionally. hence box jumps etc are added in.
Any feedback would be great, particularly if anyone could estimate how many calories they’d like to see someone take with this sort of program, add in 3 hours of ice time or so a week.
My program:
BB bench press
Db pullovers
Cable flys.
Reverse Band flys
Lateral raises
One arm DB row
Farmer walks
Prowler pushes
hypers/super set with box jump
some one leg plyometrics.
[quote]bartmann wrote:
5 forward, 3 back - 5 cycles of adding weight (25lbs or 50lbs), then on the 6th cycle, drop 15lbs or 30lbs from your TM and go 5 forward again.
I was never able to figure out if 5 forward, 3 back was 15/30 from what the new TM would be or from the one you just completed…
I think I might be “majoring in the minors” to quote Jim.