Is this the correct area for quad injection? The x is where I’d inject and I’m wondering is anywhere in the circle okay? I’m a noob to quad injections lol so my bad if I look dumb here
The correct quad injection site is either the ventrogluteal or dorsogluteal region.
Divide your quads into 3 equal sections, upper middle and lower. Then draw a line from your knee all the way up the top of your quad. Look at the middle, outer section, then go inject literally anywhere else. I like delts
My favorite has actually been the tear drop part of my quad pip there just feels cool lol
Sit down on a chair. Do a leg extension contracting the quad. You will see a clear distinction of Vastus Lateralis un Vastus Medialis(you can just google these). And you inject into Lateralis.
note : if by sitting down, extending your leg and contracting the quad you dont see at least 2 distinctive heads of a quad, you have no business injecting steroids. Go eat and train.
Thanks for the info guys!
I can honestly say without a doubt that I could not flex and see them…. I’m at the gym everyday minimum hour and half no rest days if I can help it buuuuuut leg day maybe comes 2 times a month
Bless brother iron_yuppie.
I had no idea. Thank you.
When you hear pin the ass, think pin above the ass :-).