What role should cookies play in a mass gain diet?
While eating some oatmeal-raisin cookies the other day, I noticed each cookie was 220 calories. I ate 3 of them and drank 2 cups of milk. That’s a 960 calorie snack for those who are bulking!
What role should cookies play in a mass gain diet?
While eating some oatmeal-raisin cookies the other day, I noticed each cookie was 220 calories. I ate 3 of them and drank 2 cups of milk. That’s a 960 calorie snack for those who are bulking!
Oh yeah they’re just great. Now eat that same meal 4 or so times a day and you won’t have to eat anything else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this.
eating that 4 times per day, you’ll also be gettin a good 40 grams of protein in per day, plenty for building an olympia bod.
They should play the role of excuse. (You probably wont understand what I meant by that) Repeat that snack as often as possible. Hopefully 3-4 times a day plus your regular food. It’ll stick to you and pack on the mass ma man. Keep up the good work.
Shut up troll.
Guys keep in mind, I’m an ecto and have a lot of trouble putting on weight, any kind of weight.
[quote]wooldog wrote:
Guys keep in mind, I’m an ecto and have a lot of trouble putting on weight, any kind of weight.
how about your genetic makeup?
What do you mean by genetic makeup?
variety man
Yeah. A variety of different flavored cookies is all you need to get huge.
Hey, if you’re trying to get bigger and need some extra calories, there’s nothing wrong with some cookies. It’s amazing what happens when people eat other stuff outside of chicken and broccoli.
If you need to eat processed foods to gain size and pack in the calories, then do it.
Double stuff oreos have twice the bodybuilding mass potential as normal stuffed ones. Avoid anything with white chocolate in it however, as that will spike your estrogen levels and have a negative effect.
[quote]itsthetimman wrote:
Hey, if you’re trying to get bigger and need some extra calories, there’s nothing wrong with some cookies. It’s amazing what happens when people eat other stuff outside of chicken and broccoli.
If you need to eat processed foods to gain size and pack in the calories, then do it.[/quote]
Who here said anything about eating only chicken and broccoli?
Dude if you just go haphazardly eating cookies you won’t make gains you need to follow a program
Here is one by Dave Tate
I’m just wondering. If I need to eat 3-4000 calories a day to make gains, is it ok if 1/4th of those are cookie calories? Assuming I get the necessary amount of protein and nutrition in my other diet?
[quote]wooldog wrote:
I’m just wondering. If I need to eat 3-4000 calories a day to make gains, is it ok if 1/4th of those are cookie calories? Assuming I get the necessary amount of protein and nutrition in my other diet? [/quote]
Make it more towards half your calories from cookies.
[quote]Kalle wrote:
Dude if you just go haphazardly eating cookies you won’t make gains you need to follow a program
Here is one by Dave Tate
great program I have made great gains on it
[quote]wooldog wrote:
I’m just wondering. If I need to eat 3-4000 calories a day to make gains, is it ok if 1/4th of those are cookie calories? Assuming I get the necessary amount of protein and nutrition in my other diet? [/quote]
See if you follow a tried and true program it will take all the guess work out of it. If you want to stick to something less complex try this one.
Finally, this is NOT a meal or snack.
It is just another way to add some JACK.
Sometimes you have to do things to live your dream.
And yes, this may mean eating some cream.
This may not be the best habit to keep,
but remember when the rest of the world is asleep
you will be the one paying the price
as they wake to another day of chicken and rice.
Sometimes you need to eat healthy to stay clean,
but I am here to say you may have to eat like shit to be a machine.
This may be contrary to fact
but skinny NOT�??let’s get jacked.
If you want to grow up to be like the great King Kong
then mark my words, you may need some Ding Dongs.
Listen up and make sure to get this right.
It all comes down to calories per bite.
Some of you may be saying, “Dave you are whacked.”
This is okay because I am almost JACKED.
I have done what I needed to do.
And yes, I remember the picture at the zoo.
To keep from getting decked,
you should get your blood work checked.
A glass, ice cream, and root beer make a float�??
just what is needed for a monster bloat.
Please don’t get trapped.
You need to eat big to get JACKED.
There will be times you will want to quit.
Walk to the mirror and look through your slits.
Your face is bloated and looks like dread,
but your arms are JACKED, you can’t shave your head.
Eating in class once lead to after school detention,
but a must this was to gain water retention.
Go to the store and hit the cookie isle.
Load the cart up with a big giant pile.
When you check out you will pay the toll.
Never mind, this is the way to get swole.
The point I am trying to make
is really as simple as eating cake.
Candy bars, subs, and chips are the right track.
A great daily lunch this is to get JACKED.
It has to do with getting more than getting big.
For some of us this may mean being a pig.
You see getting lean is a piece of cake.
It is getting big that makes most shake.
The thought of losing their abs
has them all taking jabs.
They need to get in the kitchen and crank up �??back in black.�??
Tear open a box of pop tarts and get JACKED.
They buzz-buzz-buzz like mosquitoes
when all they need is a bag of Doritos.
I will say this one more time.
What they say and do is such a crime.
They have their ass tied and bound.
Here is a clue�??fudge round.
Dieting is easy when you set your way.
Adding mass is without a doubt a different day.
They have their way, and I have mine,
but please remember, I walk the line.
They might have been the head of the class,
but they can kiss my JACKED up ass!
Seriously if your dead set on eating cookies make some like this.
�??Get Big�?? Powerlifter Protein Cookies
I know that all you powerlifters out there like cookies as much as the next guy. Here is a healthy protein cookie recipe that will help satisfy your cravings. At the same time you won�??t add inches around you waist like the other types you usually eat.
· 1 cup old fashioned oatmeal
· 1 packet of Chocolate MRP ( Choose whatever brand that you like)
· 2 eggs
· 1 scoop of whey concentrate protein
· 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
· 1-3 tablespoons of raisins (depending on taste)
· 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter (depending on taste)
[quote]Kalle wrote:
Seriously if your dead set on eating cookies make some like this.
�??Get Big�?? Powerlifter Protein Cookies
I know that all you powerlifters out there like cookies as much as the next guy. Here is a healthy protein cookie recipe that will help satisfy your cravings. At the same time you won�??t add inches around you waist like the other types you usually eat.
· 1 cup old fashioned oatmeal
· 1 packet of Chocolate MRP ( Choose whatever brand that you like)
· 2 eggs
· 1 scoop of whey concentrate protein
· 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
· 1-3 tablespoons of raisins (depending on taste)
· 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter (depending on taste)
FINALLY! A useful post. Thanks.