Basically i just cant seem to put on anymore size natural (or thats how it seems) havnt really put on anything for the past 6 months, so yeah real long plateau. heres my stats etc.
Height: 185cm
Weight: 93kg (205lbs)
Age: 18
Experience: Ive been lifting since i was 12, but properly since i was 13, as the first year was only full body workouts eod. Ive put on about 44 pounds since lifting, i eat about 3000+ calories every day and have for probably about a year now.
If anyone really needs my weights routine i can post it but i cant really be bothered, its basically a normal 5 day split: chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms. Although sometimes i scrap the arm day and just throw in a few exercises on chest and back days because i have naturally big arms.
Sups: Protein (whey isolate, casein, and a blend during the day), Creatine, Pre-workout (cycled on and off), a carb powder, usually waxy-maize or dextrose (or both), BCAAs + Glutamine pre,intra and postworkout, then all the everyday stuff like CLA, Green Tea, L-Carnitine, Multivitamin, Fish oil etc.
My diet consists of:
A whey isolate shake upon waking.
1 cup of oats, 1 cup eggwhites and 2 whole eggs, 1 banana, 1 cup of blueberries
A whey isolate shake post workout, pluss creatine, bcaas and glutamine
250g tuna and 1 cup white rice
300g chicken and 1 cup white rice with spinach
300g beef (ground or porterhouse steaks) 1/2 large sweet potato and a salad
A casein shake before bed
i’ll usually also have a few bcaa and glutamine tabs throughout the day, with some extra protein shakes or bars if im feeling hungry.
Lately my gains have slowed right down (both mass and strength) and its getting harder to fit more calories in without putting on too much fat, which is what i need advice on, so please any recomendations?
also heres a pic of my side chest recently