Conventional DL (90lbs/40kg x 10)
Lifting for 3 weeks already.
Edit: So during some sets I get pain down at the end of spine near glutes, I don’t know if it is actually a low back issue or weak glutes issue. But I noticed when I get the bracing right it doesn’t feel that much pain.
Also: those look like 25lbs/10kg plates, plus some change on either side. Usually you’d list the weight lifted as all the plates, plus the bar weight (usually 20kg/45lbs). So i just earned you a new PR.
Other than nitpicking, what kind of feedback are you looking for?
Edit: To elaborate, I’m planning to run this Strength Program for 2-3 months then depending on results switch to either 5/3/1 program or more of a Bodybuilding style program
I would start by raising the bar to the height that you’ll be pulling at if you were using the big plates (20kg/45lbs). That difference in plate diameter and starting position can make a difference.
Oh! thanks for pointing it out, I was frustrated how it is actually calculated.
Also I got a new PR today, (3x5sets 135lbs/60kg) last set amrap reached 10 reps
That’s a good point actually! Haven’t thought about it before.
But I don’t know what an achievable feat look like as I don’t know that much yet about powerlifting + I’m ectomorph so I guess I can’t reach really high weights due to my body type and maybe back issues (scoliosis)
So for now I want to enjoy it at these manageable weights and look what future has for me
I think you should avoid setting limitations on yourself so early on in the game. You’ve been lifting 3 weeks, no-one knows what you’re capable of yet, including yourself.
Good point . Will keep it in mind for sure.
So moving on to technique, Is there anything I can do to improve it so as to get better activation of right muscles and avoid injury?
Definitely don’t worry about the body type/ectomorph stuff. It means less than nothing. Those phrases were coined a long time ago and it had to do with psychology not physiology. If you work your ass off and eat, you’ll probably be surprised with what you’re able to do.