Your hips raise faster than your shoulders. That isn’t necessarily an issue but I think it is for you as it pushes the bar out forward.
Get your hips at the right starting position, lats tight and brace hard. Try breaking the floor a bit slower
Your hips raise faster than your shoulders. That isn’t necessarily an issue but I think it is for you as it pushes the bar out forward.
Get your hips at the right starting position, lats tight and brace hard. Try breaking the floor a bit slower
Firstly - well done. For check is one of those things that can feel like you are being attacked as people make 100 helpful suggestions. But from what I saw you’re doing okay.
The bar looks to be pretty close to your shins / over your foot.
Your back is straight and you’re moving in one smooth movement.
The few things I would add.
It’s hard to see where you are going wrong when you are using a weight you can do 11 times.
As the weight get higher you’ll want to keep your shins more vertical. I saw an Andy Bolton video on this. The 5 secrets of dead lift. Its pretty good.
I’d save mixed grip for a while. use double over hand so you work your grip.
Is that a visualisation thing you’re doing at the start. Great thing to do. I do it. Just pretend to pick the weight up and run through the reps in my head. I promise you that’s a habit you’ll want to keep.
Cool. I will definitely keep that in mind.
Yes, that’s exactly what am doing. It really helps give you that will power to do the set especially on higher intensities.
Those don’t look like Olympic size plates. If they’re not, you’re going too deep for a traditional deadlift. Not the best plan when you’re learning the movement. You can raise the bar with a couple plates on the ground.
The bar shifted towards your toes on a couple of the eccentrics.
The bar moved when you grabbed it in your setup. Again, this not the best plan when you’re learning the movement since it is not giving you a consistent starting position.
Ditch the mixed grip. It’s rotating the bar on you. There is no need for it.
Finish strong at the top. Drive your hips into the bar and squeeze your ass.