EDIT: February 2020, did one round of 1000% Awesome, liked it, not testing anything.
Started BBB challenge for the next 6 month or so, starting with 5x10 50% ending with a cycle of 5 singles TM, increasing the supplemental by 10% every cycle.
EDIT: January 2020 finished Max’er PL routine, found myself not increasing anything. Blaming the weight loss.
Started a new round of Jims work 1000% Awesome.
EDIT: August 2019 starting a PL routine and a friendly challenge made by @Frank_C, commiting me to this program the rest of the year.
EDIT: April 15 2019 started 531 again, disaster trying to set new pr’s after my powerbuilder program. around post 2528.
EDIT: January first 2019 end of SGSS program with some great gains post 1957 last PR day 170 kg deadlift.
Started my own powerbuilder program after that
EDIT: Darkhorse ending with some solid gains See post 1313 start september 2018.
After Darkhorse starting Christian Thibaudeays Simple guaranteed strength and size program. SGSS
EDIT: started Alphas Darkhorse program may 28 2018, post 749.
After a fair amount of time running Wendlers 531 I thought it was time for a bit of a change.
A bit about myself, 53 years old, height 182 cm, (5,9 foot) weighing in at just about 79 kg, (174 pounds)start 2018.
Married, 2 sons at 17 and 20.
Former Bike road racer, triathlete, and runner.
I lift at my work and at home where I have a bench, a squat stand, a barbell and DB’s.
Lifting has primarily been bench, some rows, abs, shoulders a bit bis and tris but those I hate.
2 – 3 years ago I began to squat and Deadlift a bit. Did some Wendler stuff, Thib stuff, Sheiko and some bench press stuff… AND did not get much stronger.
Possibly because I still did some running and biking with calories a bit low and bad.
OHH and did spend most of 2016 to may 2017 losing weight from 89 kg (196 pounds) to 75 kg (165 pounds).
Progress so far
First lift is from the start of 2017 second start 2018 (this log)
Press: 50 kg x 5 – 55 kg x 2 after DH 60 kg x 1
pounds 110 x 5 – 121 x 2 after DH 132 x 1
Squat 85 kg x 6 – 110 kg x 2 (very high) after DH 120 x 1
pounds 187 x 6 – 242 x 2 (very high) after DH 265 x 1
Bench 85 kg x 6 – 92,5 kg x 1 after DH 95 x 1
pounds 187 x 6 – 204 x 1 after DH 210 x 1
DL 120 kg x 1 – 150 kg x 1 after DH 162,5 x 1
pounds 265 x 1 – 330 x 1 after DH 358 x 1
So there we start.
Goal May 2018 55 year birthday.
Press estimated 1 RM bodyweight 80 kg (176 pounds) I don’t think I will reach that goal. But who knows.
Squat 3 plates 140 kg (308 pounds)
Bench 2 plates 100 kg (220) x 5 (did 220 x2 a couple of years ago)
DL 200 kg (440) that’s the big goal (and only I guess).
By the end of 2018 I’m looking for 2-3-4 plates, leaves me 5 months going for that 200 kg DL.
The plan
5/3/1 It’s simple and I like it.
Wich template/program?
For now I’m halfway through 28 weeks planning from beyond.
Every workout you go in and beat AT LEAST ONE PR
First 2 cycles PR set on main FSL PR + rest pause on upper “just” PR on lower.
Next 2 cycles PR set on main then PR set on SSL AND FSL just finished that up.
For the next two cycles PR on main followed by PR with TM
The last two cycles PR on main followed by joker sets 5’s on 5 week 3’s on 3 and 1’s on 5/3/1 week…
I’m doing the 7’th week deload after every 2 cycles.
And only increasing by 1 kg (2 pounds) on upper lift and 2,5 kg (5 pounds) on lower.
Assistance: pull ups, chin ups, Kroc Rows, curls, hanging leg raises, AB wheel, DB shoulder pres, DB incline Bench press, Dips and push ups.
I will be doing sumo on Squat day and front squat on DL day.
So far things are good, breaking PR’s every workout, it’s fun and motivating.
April it’s time for a new program/template.
Monolith, 1000% Awesome, Training maximally, Hardgainer or some more hypertrophy style stuff.
Haven’t decided yet wich one. MarkKO’s go at Training Maximally this summer made me reread that chapter. I tried it but fried myself. Did it wrong did 531 sets PR + a rep at TM + FSL stuff.