[quote]dez6485 wrote:
inthego wrote:
Fixation/Insertion Super Sets
In kinesiology, the origin is what is fixated and the insertion is what moves. If you can somehow superset movements that combine these two opposite functions, you tear fibers at both ends and you get super compensation.
Here is a nasty super set for biceps:
Do 4-6 reps of close-grip chin ups (or close grip pull downs, if you are not strong enough to do the chin ups), rest 8-10 seconds, and then do 8-10 reps of incline dumbbell curls.
Do five sets, resting approximately 2 minutes between sets, and I guarantee you there will be no way you can bend your elbows for at least 5 days without feeing extreme soreness.
Here is what is happening: When you are doing the chin-up, the origin is at the elbow and the insertion is at the shoulder. Then, when you do the incline dumbbell curls, it is the opposite: the origin is at the shoulder and the insertion is at the elbow.
Mechanically, you are doing two extremes and you are inducing fiber damage beyond belief.
For triceps, you can superset weighed dips with overhead triceps extensions. Do 5 reps of weighted dips, rest 8-10 seconds, and then do 10-12 reps of overhead triceps extensions with a rope.
Rest 2 minutes and repeat. Do a total of 5 sets and you will not be able to brush your hair for a few days.
Again, because of varying arm position in these two movements, you have the elbows below the shoulders in one movement and the elbows above the shoulders in the next.
The pain is quite exquisite.
-Charles Poliquin-
Maybe i completely missed the point back in high school anatomy and phisiology class, but how are the insertion and origin points one place for one exercise, yet switched for another exercise?
The idea is correct, but the explanation is wrong or not clear.
The insertion points are not MOVED, but they are moved in relation to each other.
With chins, the insertion and origin are closer to each other, with incline dumbbell curls, they are further apart.
The biceps are biarticulate (span two joints) so this is possible.