So I injured both of my hip flexor doing deadlifts (suddenly switched to conventional and maxed out on weights) and because of this I cant squat since it hurts the instant I hit parallel and my shoulder’s been feeling weird and its messing with my bench and ohp .The doc said I need to take it easy on the heavy lifting for a while, so I decided to take some time off from the big lifts/the main 5/3/1 lifts and focus on high rep work and tonnes of stretching and mobility to fix my issues for the next 2 weeks.
My question is, how am I supposed to get back into 5/3/1 since I’m taking 2 weeks off the big lifts and recovering from injuries? I also plan on changing my squat forma bit by working with just the bar over these 2 weeks. The form wont be all that different however, just trying to reduce my knee travel. I’m sure as hell not keen on injuring myself by starting too heavy again. Any suggestions?