Mr. Wendler,
The training maxes for my last cycle before I got injured were supposed to be:
I had a low back strain. I trained around it, and had to drop squatting, deadlifting, and leg pressing.
I took 24 days off of those movements and tried to do hack squats up to 5 rep maxes, shrugs, etc to try to keep from being a total sack of crap.
In that time I also did 45 minutes of mobility a day to try to rehab the areas and correct my form. (It worked out nicely.)
Since then I have hit what felt like true maxes of:
Squat: 365
Deadlift: 405
Leg Press: 630 x 10 (PR. Left a few in the tank here.)
(Leg Press form was knees touching shoulders at bottom).
Where should I start back?
Squatting and deadlifting have become a way of life for me since starting your program several hundred pounds ago.
Should I do a training max based on my new 1RM, even though they are substantially lighter than my old TM, and just make bigger jumps where appropriate? Or, should I just do it as written with the 10 lb jumps regardless of how it feels?
PS: After I injured my back, my bench and overhead press literally jumped about 25 lbs. It was like magic.