Hey man. I have a little input to give. I don’t know if you could call me ‘coach’ lol. I just like to train and think about training a lot. I’d suggest getting on a routine that incorporates strength training but focuses on muscle gain for the time being. If you’ve been doing like a Texas method template for a while, you may have stalled out a little and with a 6’6" frame you need to fill out in order to maximize your levers (I’m guessing squats are hard for you with long legs? same here.) I’d recommend a legs/push/pull rotation. with rest days thrown in as you see fit.
Day 1) Legs
A) Squats: 3x5 (work up to a challenging 5 rep set and then do 2 more sets across with that weight. Build up each week until you can get 3x5 with that weight. Once you’ve hit that weight for 3x5 then you add 5-10 lbs and start over. (eg. session 1 - 250x3x5… session 2 - 260x2x5 +1x3(fail)… session 3 - 260x3x5… etc.)
B) Leg press: 3x15-20 (high reps but that doesn’t mean light weight. These are shorter ROM to focus on the quads so we need more reps to get the desired TUT)
C) Leg extension: 3x12 (pause at the top of each rep, lower under control)
D) Leg curl: 15,12,10,8 (add weight each set to make it challenging)
E) DB SLDL - 2x15 (focus on ‘hanging’ on the hamstrings for a second before lockout. get a good stretch)
Bonus: add some Calf work if you feel it.
Day 2) Push
A) OHP: (same guidelines as Squats)
B) DB Slight decline press: 4x8 (stick a 25 lb plate under the front end of a flat bench, this will save your shoulders. Ramp up slightly in weight each work set)
C) Incline Flye/press superset: (pick a weight you can flye for around 10 reps. After reaching failure on those, immediately switch to presses with the same DB’s keeping constant tension on the pecs. Do 3 rounds)
D) Dips: 3x8-10
E) Lateral raises: 4x12 (make sure that you can lower the weight in a controlled manner and are not leaning backward during the movement)
Bonus: you can add some tricep pump and/or rotator cuff work here if you feel good.
Day 3) Pull
A) Deadlift: (same guidelines as Squat and OHP. No bouncing reps. maintain good form. etc)
B) Wide grip lat pulldown: 4x12 (Squeezing the teres and rhomboid area of the back here)
C) Seated cable row with neutral grip: 4x8-10 (keep elbows tucked and pull into belly button region. try to feel the lower lats)
D) Rear delt swings superset with rear delt flyes: (do these lying face down on an incline bench. Swings with a heavier DB for about 25 reps and then drop to a light pair for full flyes with a good peak contraction until failure. 3 rounds)
E) DB shrugs: 2x20 (pause for a count at the top of each rep. If in doubt, go lighter. No chicken head bobbing)
Bonus: add some Bicep/grip work
I’ve had some good success with this split and just thought I’d throw it out there. Post some pics man and maybe all of us here can give you some input and help. It is free after all, so there’s not much to lose. anyway… let me know what you think.