This is for anyone who is under the age of 25 and or not going anywhere with his or her training that is frustrated searching endlessly for the answer. This doesn�??t apply to people that are close to their goals or don�??t have very high aspirations of bodybuilding (not a putdown, just putting this in perspective). I�??m not going to go into any exercises sets or reps or frequency, protein carbs or fat, cardio, any of that and if you read carefully you’ll know why.
It’s not really glamorous and not what people want to hear if when they ask “what does it take to be huge?” and they hear “put in your dues lifting the heavy weights and pound the food for 3-5+ years” because everyone wants the secrets. There has to be more, right? I mean what is it that separates the guys who are �??fit�?? with the guys who are freaks? Toss out genetics because there are plenty of people with crappy genetics who made something of themselves and plenty with great ones who waste them (and don�??t even bring up drugs everyone can get the same shit if they choose) and what are we left with, what is the secret to moving up the food chain towards the big dog land?
My secret? I am listening to the guys who are where I want to be and found common themes amongst their advice (which was lift heavier weights and eat more surprise). I humbled myself and was willing to shut down the ego that one can build on the internet and in the gym and adopted the mindset that if I’m not going anywhere fast and these guys are who the hell am I to think I know better. If after your initial newbie gains or simply growing up (nobody cares if you gained 20 lbs from 13-15, that�??s puberty) you haven�??t put some impressive poundage on the bar since and still wear the same clothes you did 2+ years ago you might want to read on.
What other hobby career sport or anything is like bodybuilding where we dismiss those that have come before us in lieu of what�??s in books or studies? Who�??s going to tell Donald Trump he doesn�??t know shit about real estate or business compared to the professor teaching it at an Ivy League college? Maybe Trump would fail advanced business statistics or not know certain technical terms but the guy knows a thing or to about business yeah? This makes sense to me, and I hope others, but if I want to know what it�??ll take to become a hugely successful real estate owner I�??m asking Trump and not the professor unless he�??s got a damn good resume himself. We however do this all the time with bodybuilding and it starts to make zero sense. I�??m not talking about asking Mr. Olympia (especially Jay) how to train cause he�??s the best, let�??s look for the guy who wasn�??t as blessed as many of the pros put still put on 50+ lbs of LBM since he started or the pro who has continues to gain when all his comrades are stuck.
If a guy (or gal don�??t want to exclude anyone) that was well developed in almost anybodies eyes came on to the forum with pictures and said he always did split training to and beyond failure almost without a doubt someone who had been in the game just as long or longer, with a far sub par physique and improvements in similar time would feel the need to chime in with how they think he should train. Or maybe a 15 year old kid who just stumbled upon weight training 6 months ago with advice for how he thinks the person should train and diet. What? Why do people think that what�??s good on paper trumps real world results EVER?
There�??s a certain mindset that develops among people when they start to think they are a special snowflake and are advanced (with what your 14 inch arms and one year of �??training�???) and need special programs and dietary tricks because they are so above those basics. Where does this stem? Again the ego needs to be shattered and let�??s not kid ourselves. There is a sense of superiority as well that people on this site and many others get that is along the lines of “I’m doing a CW plan I know better than that advanced bodybuilder over there who’s a tank despite me spinning my wheels”.
I will be the first to admit I am nowhere near advanced yet. That�??s why I�??m not looking for the most razzle dazzle program I can find or switching programs every 3 weeks because a new CT or CW article came out, I�??m doing the hard and heavy basics because that�??s where I belong for a long time. In the trenches worrying about how I�??m going to add 200+ lbs to my squat and not whether the angle of my toes are just right on my leg extensions with a 5010 tempo done just short of failure as to not overtax the CNS. One of the things is going to be the difference in terms of whether or not my legs grow another 3+ inches and it�??s not the latter you can bet your bottom dollar.
If you think this post didn�??t apply to you and then in the coming weeks you get another person asking you for the 50th time if you workout (and you have been for 5+ years and want to be large) maybe you�??ll reconsider how advanced you think you are and get down to the nitty gritty of training and get it done before you get passed by more people in terms of gains. How embarassing is that to have someone ask if you workout, with them honestly not knowing the answer? To me it is the biggest ego spike for someone who lifts(or maybe for us guys a girl asking if you are “in” yet haha). Again if you want to be a large guy and after a few years of training nobody is really certain if you train you aren’t as smart about training as you thought, you haven’t been putting down the food like you think, and you sure as hell shouldn’t be telling anyone how to do it. You will know when you are allowed to consider yourself something less than a newb when people are coming up to you to ask questions about training, or what gym you lift at(a step up from do you train yeah?
Take advice from these giants and apply it to your own genetic blueprint and put in the time effort and consistency if you really want it as bad as you think and tell people you do.