[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
My lifts have either been going up or staying the same. sometimes its hard to gauge if its just an outside factor on a paticular day though. like if i go to the beach, thats it im dead and i go into the gym with it already set in my mind that im most likely not improving from last weeks numbers because im just beat from the sun.
So for example when i started doing deads again i went in and hit 405x1 the next week i hit 405x2 week after i got cocky and tried to hit 455 but missed. then this week i only hit 405x2 again.
ill check out Thib’s articles and i guess until i can restructure my routine ill just take it easy for the rest of the week. i got legs tommorrow but i dont know how to take it easy on legs. and i want to still get a decent workout but i dotn want to over tax my CNS.[/quote]
Might be worth it to just try things out… It helps if you know how much you can tax your body, where patterns (getting sick after so and so many weeks of training to/beyond failure) occur and such.
You won’t find that out for sure if you just follow articles, although Thibs is at least someone I’d actually trust with BBing info.
Since you seem to know about DC, can’t you incorporate some kind of exercise rotation into your regimen?
You could for example do Deadlifts one workout, then whatever exercises hit your deadlift-weakpoints the other two workouts (if you use the DC 2way frequency, if not the split itself).
Since you don’t hit the DL’s that often (pointless if you’re stuck anyway)
and your weaknesses are constantly being worked on, you’re CNS should be ok and your DL (or whatever lift you do this for) should go up again.
The current program I am on, which consist of wave loading puts me on a 2 full day break between each workout because the CNS takes so much longer to recover than your muscles. Sure you might be getting enough sleep, but are you getting enough rest.
There were some good detailed articles not too far back about all about the CNS. Not the ones from Thib, although they were good. Although I would say its more of a mindset thing then your cns.
Hm I just saw the OP’s pic in alpha, I’m not an elite level Powerlifter or anything, but 405*2 seems just about the right weight for a guy your size(especially if you’re not a dedicated PLer), might wanna bulk some more for bigger lifts.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Hm I just saw the OP’s pic in alpha, I’m not an elite level Powerlifter or anything, but 405*2 seems just about the right weight for a guy your size(especially if you’re not a dedicated PLer), might wanna bulk some more for bigger lifts.[/quote]
yea lol, the reason i missed 455 is cause that was way too much of a jump.
this summer hasnt been good for bulking unfortunately. ive been finding it harder to eat as much as i was during the winter months. supposedly you naturally eat less in the summer anyway so if its true what am i gonna do, ya know?
im back to lifting regular again now and things went alright yesterday except for not making a great choice of food PreWO and wanting to throw up as soon as i left my door lol.
i also do rotate exercise but i dont do it timed i just do it by feel. like i was doing regular BB bench for a while then i tried out the HammerStrength bench and im just gonna stick with that for a little bit instead. im not sure what you call the standing curls where you bring it up all the way to your head but i switched out incline hammer curls for those, and i also play with different grips on movements too. recently i used a different grip for my cable row…got really good doms from that, esppecially in upper traps, lats, and neck.
i find that if instead of listening to every single article and author if you just go out there and listen to your body youll do a lot better.
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Hm I just saw the OP’s pic in alpha, I’m not an elite level Powerlifter or anything, but 405*2 seems just about the right weight for a guy your size(especially if you’re not a dedicated PLer), might wanna bulk some more for bigger lifts.
yea lol, the reason i missed 455 is cause that was way too much of a jump.
this summer hasnt been good for bulking unfortunately. ive been finding it harder to eat as much as i was during the winter months. supposedly you naturally eat less in the summer anyway so if its true what am i gonna do, ya know?
im back to lifting regular again now and things went alright yesterday except for not making a great choice of food PreWO and wanting to throw up as soon as i left my door lol.
i also do rotate exercise but i dont do it timed i just do it by feel. like i was doing regular BB bench for a while then i tried out the HammerStrength bench and im just gonna stick with that for a little bit instead. im not sure what you call the standing curls where you bring it up all the way to your head but i switched out incline hammer curls for those, and i also play with different grips on movements too. recently i used a different grip for my cable row…got really good doms from that, esppecially in upper traps, lats, and neck.
i find that if instead of listening to every single article and author if you just go out there and listen to your body youll do a lot better. [/quote]
Sounds good enough 
I remember the first time I drank surge original flavour, I used far too little water… After 20 Rep breathing squats. Not pretty.
(I didn’t expect it to be so sweet either, but now I love the stuff. I’m being americanized it seems)
I used to train HIT/failure when I was about your age. Real good results. I only trained twice a week, and obviously combined body parts on those days. It most likely resembled some of Mike Mentzer’s favorite split routines.
I don’t think I could lift that frequently and go to failure and expect results. For me that would be too much.
My recommendation would be to choose two exercise per body part to blast, and one compound lift and one isolation exercise. Then only workout every two days.
Monday - Chest and tri’s
bench press
cable crossover
skull crusher
push downs
Thursday - Back and bi’s
alternating db curls
Saturday - legs and calves
machine hack squat
leg extensions
leg curl (hammies)
calve raises
Tuesday - repeat
This worked quite well for. Did it while I was in college. The only thing I don’t remember is if I did two or three sets to failure. I did keep the rep range between 8-10. I remember the first time I went from about 175 to 210 in a matter of months. Stayed quite lean.
You can do it if you like. You can ignore it if you like.
i just play it by feel with a general outline of weight/reps/sets, etc.
im actually going a 6th day now just because i cant fit the time to do abs and calves in my regular training week.
i dont mind the way im doing it now. i dont have a lot of hours at my job anyway so its a good way to kill time plus i get to use more intensity when i train in a single day versus trying to put two groups in one day. plus i can shoot the shit a little bit talking with people there and not lose any sleep over it.
i cant wait for winter to come so i can get my appetite back and start bulldozing through weight. im one of few people in their early 20’s (21 in Oct) who doesnt give a fuck about having abs and still trains for looks. Summer 2009 ill do my first real cut. hopefully ill have at least 5-10 lbs more of muscle by then. considering im 197 now being 210 in a year would be friggin sweet.