alright so i always train to failure and i always start my session with a compound. about 2-3 months ago i started incorporating rack-pulls again to my back days then i decided i wanted to just start doing conv. deads again.
although i think that with doing 5 compounds to failure a week it may be taking too much a toll on my CNS so for the past few weeks ive just noticed i dont have that extra charge i used to have. i didnt want to automatically label it to lifting so i thought of some outside factors, ive been pretty low on cash lately, frustrated with new job hiring complications, a couple other things too.
but even as better news came around (even though im still fuckin broke) i felt the same and im a pretty happy-go-lucky guy and shit doesnt tend to get me down. so now im more inclined to think this is due to my lifting. just to try and help i switched from doing a 4 day split to a 5 day just because doing deads and bench on the same was way too much for me. anyway a typical training week looks like this for me
Mon/back - deadlifts working to a 1RM or increased reps of previous 1RM then dropping weight and performing reps to failure, cable row, lat pulldown, maybe some HS high-row
Tues-ches - bench press to failure then dropsets, maybe some machine flyes inbetween to fatigue chest if triceps give out first, incline bench or HS, chest flyes.
wed-legs - squat to failure or 20 reps whichever comes first, sometimes i might add 2 more plates and just rep out for whatever i can, leg press, RDLs, Leg ext., hamstring curl - if i have time
thurs- shlds. overhead press til failure then i test out a 2RM, DB front raises til faiulre working down the line, rear delt flyes
fri/arms - close grip bench, incline hammer curls (recently switched to standing e-z curls), skullcrusher/close grip, standing db curl or other curl variation, tricep pushdown.
so this week i decided to just take it easier, for those of you familiar with DC this im treating it as like a “cruise week” (note: im not doing DC) ive just been keeping the weight a little lower and trying to keep the reps higher. i dont want to train this way next week too because i barely broke a sweat or even grunted yesterday and i just didnt feel right. i dont even feel like im in the right state of mind now, i look at myself in the mirror or just look at myself from my own 1st person view and think im smaller than before even though my weight is the same and im not eating much either but thats been messed up the whole summer. pleaaaaaase no one that just started lifting who quotes everything out of articles respond to this. id really just appreciate the more well-known and respected poster’s opinions. thanks.