Closed Grip Bench Press

Ive just read two conflicting pieces of information about the closed grip press. I’m looking for the major muscles worked, one source tells me chest, I know its the inner chest, and the other tells me triceps. I know they are both worked, but which gets hit harder? Can anyone tell me??

Why am I still awake?

Ask me the same question.

Wide grip hits the chest more on the outer parts, close grip hits the triceps harder.

I often do skullcrushers followed by immediate close grip bench.

what rsg said ~ try them and if you can’t feel the difference then work on learning to feel them

Yup. Close grip = good tricep hit.

As RSG - I like to do skull crushers followed by close grip bench.

For an extra burn I then like to do 3 sets of dips to failure on each set. After a heavy close grip bench session, failure is not far away.

Close grip is mostly considered a tri exercise, but like any compound movement (presses are a compound movement, it hits different muscle groups).

I go super heavy on CGBP. I feel them more than dips, but i do both. I mix it up. Sometimes I do low reps at the beginning (like 230 for 5 reps) sometimes I mix them in a superset - like others have mentioned- with other exercises. I like to do them first (mostly for safety reasons and cause i like to move the weight) then do skull crushers or two hand DB ext.

I also keep my elbows tucked in. I like this better. I have seen it done with elbows in and more out with just a close grip. I have also heard both are correct. Although, I feel my version is the better. I could be wrong and am ready to be blasted for “your gonna destroy your elbows” or “you get no x-head work with that grip”, but hey im not a pro, i just do what I feel works for me…

havent they got schools in england? i cant blame all of the stupidty of your post on liquor

for those of you who do the close grip bench press, do you use a heavy weight or does it really matter? I feel it more with less weight but my triceps aren’t big/cut like i would like

[quote]sauce_19 wrote:
for those of you who do the close grip bench press, do you use a heavy weight or does it really matter? I feel it more with less weight but my triceps aren’t big/cut like i would like[/quote]

If you want bigger triceps, then use heavy weights. You are not going to get any muscles big without lifting heavy - ofcourse it matters. Your form might suffer a bit if it is too heavy, though.

Either way, CG Bench is a definite extra for me; skullcrushers, weighted dips and pulldowns work much better for me - at least for the moment.

Errr, I meant pushdowns, not pulldowns.

Nothing to add to RSG’s post - this guy looks like he knows what he’s talking about. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I perfer close grips over dips, just personal preference

I try to pyramid up or down, i normally end (or start) with 4-5 clean reps. I do about 230 235 not that much and its damn close to my BP max of 275. I got weak shoulder, i know

[quote]Renton wrote:
Nothing to add to RSG’s post - this guy looks like he knows what he’s talking about. ;P[/quote]


[quote]sauce_19 wrote:
for those of you who do the close grip bench press, do you use a heavy weight or does it really matter? I feel it more with less weight but my triceps aren’t big/cut like i would like[/quote]

if that’s you in your avatar i’d be more worried about putting more food in my mouth.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
sauce_19 wrote:
for those of you who do the close grip bench press, do you use a heavy weight or does it really matter? I feel it more with less weight but my triceps aren’t big/cut like i would like

if that’s you in your avatar i’d be more worried about putting more food in my mouth.[/quote]

your right but in that picture im 210 lbs/ about 6’. I’m thinking its time for me to get lean then try to bulk up more?? Is this the wrong concept?

[quote]Renton wrote:
Yup. Close grip = good tricep hit.

As RSG - I like to do skull crushers followed by close grip bench.

For an extra burn I then like to do 3 sets of dips to failure on each set. After a heavy close grip bench session, failure is not far away.[/quote]


Since I don’t dedicate a day to arms training, I work in close grip bench press and dips in chest day. Really like it because my triceps already got good stimulation from my chest training, and those 2 moves are awesome finishers for the chest.

Lean out, then bulk up. Easier to put on mass when you have less fat on your body

[quote]tg2hbk4488 wrote:
Lean out, then bulk up. Easier to put on mass when you have less fat on your body[/quote]

Look at his pic, he’s already pretty lean, can’t be much above 12%bf. Hell, he’s 6 feet tall and only 210. If anything, he should be looking to put on a good 25-50 lbs.

[quote]ninjaboy wrote:

Look at his pic, he’s already pretty lean, can’t be much above 12%bf. Hell, he’s 6 feet tall and only 210. If anything, he should be looking to put on a good 25-50 lbs.

I wasn’t lookin at his pic. He asked a general question if you should bulk up or lean out first and if you are pudgy lean out first. You are correct, he should go straight into a bulk

And you are correct that one should be lean before trying to bulk up.