Just wondering if someone here (not olympic lifters) does clean the barbell for front squats? And are you able to clean the weight you squat for how many reps?
I’m training in a place without squat stands, so i’d like to hear everyone’s experiences on the subject…
definitely not if you could your freak.
You do what you have to when you don’t have a rack. When I was training at home w/o a rack I did this and had to front squat in a higher rep range 10-12.
I can front squat 185 for 5-10 reps and can clean it. If I were to try to clean my front squat max (~225lbs) I would fail but I’m working on it.
I can front squat 185 for 5-10 reps and can clean it. If I were to try to clean my front squat max (~225lbs) I would fail but I’m working on it.
Since I double posted (my first one I think!), I’ll add something:
Your ability to pull yourself under the bar is crucial to a good clean. I’ve been working on Oly lifts for a while and still seem to “power up” the weight rather than getting myself under the bar and catching it. I’m starting to feel that a good coach, bumper plates and an oly lifting platform are needed to learn this properly. I just can’t trust myself to make a good catch when I’m afraid those iron plates may crash to the floor.
I have done this while training at home as well. I actually like it. One of the benefits is it will actually improve your clean faster than your squat if you haven’t been doing cleans. So after you do it for a little while, you will be able to get more weight up for your squat.
I guess could work for higher reps, but generally front squats are not ment for higher reps. I generally do 3-5 reps and cleaning that wight as a non olympic lifter is tremendously hard. Generally a professional olympic lifter can only clean what his max front squat for 3 reps is.
Some people can clean their 3RM for front squats. Others may only be able to clean less than 90% of their max front squat.
I agree that you should just do what you need to do if you don’t have a rack. Remember that Barbell Hack Squats are an option.
You could also do lunges with a barbell that you’ve cleaned from the floor. You’ll be using lighter weights so you won’t miss a set because you can’t clean the barbell and you’ll get in some variety by doing barbell lunges with the bar in front of your body.
The only time a barbell has been available to me but a squat rack hasn’t has been at the YMCA. I was able to use a bench press station as a pretty awkward rack for front squats. So doing Zerchers and Front Squats out of a bench press station is always an option. Hell, you can do some seated good-mornings if you want some weird looks.
Thanks for all answers.
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Some people can clean their 3RM for front squats. Others may only be able to clean less than 90% of their max front squat.
I agree that you should just do what you need to do if you don’t have a rack. Remember that Barbell Hack Squats are an option.
You could also do lunges with a barbell that you’ve cleaned from the floor. You’ll be using lighter weights so you won’t miss a set because you can’t clean the barbell and you’ll get in some variety by doing barbell lunges with the bar in front of your body.
The only time a barbell has been available to me but a squat rack hasn’t has been at the YMCA. I was able to use a bench press station as a pretty awkward rack for front squats. So doing Zerchers and Front Squats out of a bench press station is always an option. Hell, you can do some seated good-mornings if you want some weird looks. [/quote]
Yes, a tried squating out of a bench and out of a preacher curl bench also… the problem is that the shape of neither allows me to put my feet under the bar, so i have to lean foward in the botton position of the squat, but its very akward and all that i can take from the bench is about the same i can clean.
I’ve done the barbell hack squat in the past and found it a good drill, but i believe it would not be the best opition for my current routine.
I’m planing to do a kind of a HST routine: one day i would do deads and bulgarian squat, and the other front squat and leg curl, since i fell that front squats are easy on the back (more than hack squats), so the opitions i’m considering are:
1-Do front squats and go higer rep.
2-Machine hack squats.
3-another 1leg move, lunges, pistols, etc(altough this could be somewhat redundant).
[quote]shizen wrote:
I guess could work for higher reps, but generally front squats are not ment for higher reps. I generally do 3-5 reps and cleaning that wight as a non olympic lifter is tremendously hard. Generally a professional olympic lifter can only clean what his max front squat for 3 reps is. [/quote]
Higher reps werent much of a issue for me… i think i can keep my form ok. I haven’t done much powercleans in the past, the most i have done was 84kgx2, and my best in front squats were 106kgx3. Since i plan to do 12,8 and 4 rep phases of HST, i believe i could clean for the 12s and maybe in the begining of 8s, but no way for 4s.
[quote]Sagat wrote:
2-Machine hack squats.
If bodybuilding is your focus, a good Plate Loaded
Hack Squat Machine can be your staple leg movement
until you find a better equipped gym. If it’s a
selectorized shitty cybex hack squat then I guess
you should do lots of unilateral leg stuff and
find a new place to train.
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
If bodybuilding is your focus, a good Plate Loaded
Hack Squat Machine can be your staple leg movement
until you find a better equipped gym. If it’s a
selectorized shitty cybex hack squat then I guess
you should do lots of unilateral leg stuff and
find a new place to train. [/quote]
I dont plan to train there for long term, but there i dont need to pay so i stay in this gym for a while…
I wouldnt say bodybuilding is my focus, actually for the first time i’m lifting with size gains in mind, for me size always came as a side effect of strength training for sport. This machine is plate loaded and i found it pretty good, but i think its not a exercise i would do when going more for strength.
I could be wrong but some people say you shouldnt go higher than 5 on front squats. correct me if im wrong
[quote]crod266 wrote:
I could be wrong but some people say you shouldnt go higher than 5 on front squats. correct me if im wrong[/quote]
Some people think so, i remember an article where Poliquin says that, on the other hand there are those such Dan John who recomends front squating for 4 minutes (tabata squats)… Personaly i have never found reasons for not going higher rep on front squats.