Here it is, by popular demand.
OK, so I’m training for a meet on the weekend of April 28th, it is a CPF meet (Canadian WPC affiliate) called Iron Annihilation. I don’t really like to set specific goals, I would be happy with a 600 squat, 400 bench, and 600 deadlift but I will take what I can get. I’m squatting in wraps this time, I don’t really have a wrapped squat PR but I have squatted an easy 500 (first time in wraps in a couple years) and yesterday did 465x3, probably could get 5. I’m not really used to wraps yet, I should be able to get more out of them once my technique is sorted out. My best raw (no wraps) squat is 480 in a meet, I have matched that in training a few times and could do 500+ if I was peaked. I benched 365 in a meet and 375 in training, I would estimate my max is around 385-390 right now but I also have to squat first in a meet. My deadlift hasn’t made much progress in the last few months due to trying to sort out my technique, I have pulled 530 in a meet and 540 in training.
This training cycle is largely based on a couple of the sample programs in his book “Built to the Hilt: Strength and Power Edition”. I’m not following everything word for word, I have changed certain exercises around, added volume, and I’m using 5 week blocks (4 weeks + 1 week deload). I just finished the first block of this cycle which was a volume block, there were a few heavy sets but I did a lot of high rep bench sets and the last week I did 65%x4x10 on squats and 65%x3x10 on deadlift with 1 minute rest, the deadlifts were easy but the squats almost killed me, it’s hard to breathe when you have a loaded bar on your back half the time.
Template is Monday-bench, Tuesday-squat, Thursday-bench assistance (close grip, OHP, etc.), Friday-light squat, deadlift
Monday Feb. 19 - main bench day
Bench press - paused
350x2 - wanted 3 but it wasn’t going to happen. I did 345x3x2 sets a few weeks ago, should be capable of more.
Touch & go - explosive
285x3x5, 75 sec. rest
Dead Bench - starting position just barely touching my chest
285x8 singles, 1 min. rest
Wide grip bench - just outside max legal width, wider hurts my wrists
265x9,8,8 - was planning to do 8’s but the first set felt a little too easy so I did one more
Dumbbell flys with super mini band (band around my back)
30’sx15,8,9 - my pecs died on the first set, I pushed the last one almost to failure. I did these in my last block but they were after close grip 2 board press, like this my pecs have no time to rest despite the total volume being lower.
Chin ups -wide neutral grip
bodyweight x10x3sets - trying to do these a strict as possible. Haven’t done them with this grip in several months so it was harder than expected.
Tuesday, Feb. 20 - main squat day
Squat with wraps
465x3 - I could definitely do 4 and probably 5. Depth is right around parallel, I should aim to go about two inches lower but I’m not used to wraps yet. I need to accelerate more into the hole. Rather than doing a whole bunch of wrapped squats the last few weeks out from the meet I’m working up to one top set each week for several months.
Squat volume - no wraps
360x3x6 sets - 90 sec. rest
Dead squat - starting position slightly above parallel - sticking point in wraps is above parallel
315x8 singles - 1 min. rest - I thought that 350 would be a good weight for this but I was having trouble moving it, instead I will start lighter and make bigger increases in weight each week. Haven’t done these in a while and I’m using a different bar (transformer bar).
RDL with band around waist
275+super mini band X 10 - too easy, I want hard sets of 8
Add mini band - 8,8 - this is an exercise I got from Kabuki Movement Systems, they called it a “standing hip thrust” or something like that. I did it light for a glute warmup before, this is the first time putting any somewhat significant weight on it. The bands are doubled and anchored to a bar behind me in the power rack. KMS is worth checking out for a month or two.
Band leg curl - sitting on a bench, bands anchored to the bottom of the rack
3 sets of 10 - I looped the bands around the rack twice and put a knot in them, but that’s only relevant to my setup here. I’m training in my basement, for those who don’t know.
McGill Curl Ups
8 seconds x 5x4sets