[quote]mike88pa wrote:
I am looking at a few different power racks right now and was wondering how to choose the best one as far as quality is concerned?
A few of them have the same options, but different prices. I don’t want to get something that will fall apart on me as I start lifting more weight.
Anyone have any input on this?[/quote]
Mate do yourself a favour and go straight the www.elitefts.com and you can customise exactly what you want. You’ll get the best power rack in the business and you’ll be able to hand it down to your kids. Ring up Elite and ask for Little Jim Wendler the sales manager and he’ll sort you out.
I agree with above if as you stated you are looking for “wondering how to choose the best one as far as quality is concerned?” then your first and only stop should be elitefts.
You are getting what you pay for.
If money stands in the way of quality a bit. nybarbell is another option for a very solid rack at a pretty good price. It is where I got mine.
In the end buy something GOOD that will last forever.
[quote]Phill wrote:
Elite racks are the best, which is why I don’t have one.[/quote]
i DO have an elite rack. after a nice run, there is no better way to stretch than with my elite power rack and adjustable bench. then, just before i go inside, i pound out some curls in that mother f*cker just to spite that aerospace fag in colorado.
I know everyone has been recommending Elitefts – and having ordered one myself, I think they are the best racks available. However, not everyone needs one. I’ll break down the advantages/disadvantages:
ELITEFTS.com rack advantages
– holes up top and bottom for attaching bands (if you don’t know what these are for, then you probably don’t need it)
– narrow spacing for doing exact pin presses to work specific bench sticking points
– high quality construction (these racks are meant for powerlifters, so they will last forever and can handle as much weight as you can lift)
– disadvantage: high cost
– disadvantage: shipping (costly and they use a third party, so basically a truck will just come by and drop off the rack – it’s up to you to assemble it and carry it inside the house)
STANDARD POWER RACK (most of the racks you listed seemed to be pretty “standard”)
– suitable for most people, durable enough for the average lifter
– you can save on shipping by buying local
– many newer ones have the optional cable attachment, which is convenient
– disadvantage: durability will be an issue if rack is used frequently and with heavy weights
My suggestion: if you don’t need the features of the EliteFTS rack, just get one locally. I’ve seen similar racks to the ones you listed in my local sporting goods / fitness equipment stores. You will save on shipping that way. Just look for good quality construction (as little plastic as possible).
Also, the thin spot bars are better than the thick lever-activated ones. A lot of newer racks have the lever spot bars because they are easy to adjust, but stick with the solid bars that you have to pull all the way in and out (they will last longer and it’s safer for heavier weights).
[quote]mike88pa wrote:
That helped alot Beefcake, I think I will get one of the NY Barbell racks.
Any other suggestions out there?[/quote]
Get the Sumo rack from NYBB. The shipping was free and it is very solid. It comes with a ‘forever’ guarantee. My son and I have been working in this; I trust my kid in it. No more need said.
[quote]mike88pa wrote:
That helped alot Beefcake, I think I will get one of the NY Barbell racks.
Any other suggestions out there?[/quote]
I have a Body Solid power rack, and I’m satisfied with it. I also paid $264 for it new from Play-It-Again Sports nearly two years ago. It’s held up to the abuse from myself and training partners.
I’ve got the “Titan” power rack from nybarbell. I like it because it doesn’t have any cross beams or pull-up bars at the top of it. I can do standing military presses in it and then set it back on the hooks. (I don’t have a lifting platform or rubber plates to protect my garage floor.)
Its rated for 1000 pounds and is sturdy. It was not expensive, even after freight charges.
The last two are equal except for the distance between posts, 33" would be better for doing lat rows inside the rack, but 26" will be better for dips.
Any suggestions?[/quote]
If quality is the only conern go elitefts, however they are a bit spendy. I use one from body solid. I like it alot, though I do wish it was about 2" higher (it’s 82", I’m 5’10") as I hit the thing a bit when doing military press, and have to tuck my legs some when doing chins.
I have a GHR from Newyorkbarbell, and while it does work, you definitely are getting what you pay for from them. The quality is not that great.