I’m really stuck. My numbers on this exercise have really gone down. Usually I can only do one good one, two if I’m really feeling it.
Any tips on how to get more reps on this exercise? I’ve come up with nothin’ and I’m all out of ideas, dig?
I’m really stuck. My numbers on this exercise have really gone down. Usually I can only do one good one, two if I’m really feeling it.
Any tips on how to get more reps on this exercise? I’ve come up with nothin’ and I’m all out of ideas, dig?
Depends…More information would help. Are you heavy? Weak? New to lifting? Help me help you.
Also, why do you think your numbers have gone done? How far have they dropped?
The approach that worked for my wife was to keep doing that 1 as many times as you can,do negatives,forced reps,the ladder method worked a treat,first set do 1,second set 2,third set 3,then start again from 1,building back as many times as you can.Obviously you will have to get up to 3 first.
She can now do 10 dead hang all the way up pullups.
Also,if you are overweight,it will make it easier if you lighten up.
Good luck.
Work your assiting muscle groups such as biceps and back. Get them stronger and it will be easier.
Also, do chins first when you are fresh.