Maloneted you nut-Haha
“my insane political views?”
- I support our troops! 2. Bush was not my first choice for President, but I preferred him over Gore. Someone lock me up…I must be crazy…Hah
My Bench Press advice is for those who would like to train past the age of 35 without running to an ART specialist or a surgeon with rotator cuff problems at some point in their life!
Onto Chin-ups:
If I am not mistaken “Big D” is having problems doing one Chin-up. If that is the case, and I have read his post correctly, I would first ask how much he weighs, and how much of that is body fat?
If you have body fat in the area of 30% I think it is going to be very difficult to raise your Chin-up totals. The first thing you need to do is to find one of Berardis programs and lose some body fat.
If, or when, body fat is not a problem then you need to work Chins in at least two different ways:
- The first is to use the Smith Machine! Lower the bar to a point where your feet are touching a chair (or the floor). Then grip the bar and begin pulling. This will give you a more realistic feel relative to Chins than either the Lat Pull-down machine, or the Gravatron. Remember that there is an element of skill to every movement. Do Three sets of as many as you can get using this method. Try not to go to failure. That is not needed at this point. As you get stronger you can adjust the bar so that you are pulling more of your weight up, and less drag with your feet on the floor, or a bench.
Next, go over to a regular Chin-up bar and hoist yourself up to the top using a chair, or whatever you can climb on. Now do one good negative! If you come down fast don’t worry about it. Your body is still learning, and you are getting stronger from this. Try to do three negatives if possible. If you can only do one or two safely, that’s fine.
Needless to say, once you can perform one clean dead hang Chin-up it’s time to cut back on the Smith Bar Chins and add regular sets of Chins. Even if it is only one! Perform two sets of Smith Chins and Two sets of regular Chins. Keep up the negative work.
I have trained many who thought that they would never be able to perform even one Chin-up. In four to six weeks I have them doing three to five!
I am not fond of bands to assist someone in doing a Chin-up. I have tried it and it has not worked as well as the Smith Chins. It always seems to be just off- To much help, or not enough. I gues if you could gauge it as exact as the Smith Chins, it might work-never has for me.
As to working with the bands as a form of resistance, I like it. I always thought my weakest point in a Chin-up was the top part. I can blast out of the hole like a cannon ball being shot out of a cannon. The problem was I used to get a bit sloppy at the top after several reps. I have used the “purple” band, one end secured under a heavy dumbbell the other end looped around my weight lifting belt.
I then perform “half reps” at the top where all the tension is. I perform reps to a point where I am two or so from failure. I wait only :30 to :60 and then perform another set (remember we want to tax the endurance fibers with this movement). Three sets of these at the end of my Chin workout is plenty!
You guys who are trying to get higher numbers with Chins, ask yourself this: Where is my weak point? If you have a problem coming out of the hole then I suggest putting on a weight vest and performing half reps from the bottom. This one little technique will do wonders for your Chin-up, and it will do so quickly! Just don’t over do it. two or three sets is plenty. Just be consistent. If you are trying to improve your Chins train them three times per week for six weeks! Then back off for a week or two. Get some variety and then start another six week routine.
Also, many guys make the mistake of trying to do full reps with a weight vest in order to get numbers. This will not work in the long run! Your body needs to be able to deal with the lactic acid that over flows when you are performing high reps. Granted a stronger man can lift a lighter weight with more ease than a weaker man. However at this level you need strength endurance! How can you gain this if you perform 8-10 reps with a weight vest on? That’s only :15 to :20 (or so) worth of work!
There are a number of ways that you can increase your reps once you are in the teens and your body has adapted a bit more to the movement, but I will save that for another thread sometime.
By the way I am up to 37 continuous dead hang Chin-ups I have also performed 210 Pull-ups in 30 minutes. Not to bad for an old guy…Haha
Bid D- Good luck,