Chem 101

From what i understand, 4-AD isnt terribly useful when injected because of its super short half-life. hence brocks musings about various 4-AD esters. if someone were to use 4-AD acetate, the half-life would be extended enough to be useful, but would still remain short. my question is will the acetate have a much higher lipid solubility and if so would that make it more potent? I am a physics and math geek by trade, so i dont really know a ton about chemistry and pharmacology, so any input from fellow nerds would be appreciated.

could estrified 4ad still be admistered via adrosol type spray?

any thoughts Brock?

While these theoretical musings are interesting, they lack any real practicality.

4-AD diacetate might extend the half life to
12-24 hours. However, the soluability in
oil is poor, not even 50mg/ml and I am
sure you’d want to use 100mg/ml at a time
so this means 2ml + every day. Not good.

My guess (based on testosterone esters) is enanthate or cyionate might offer decent soluability.

Esterification usually increases lipid soluability.

Potency? I don't think that is the word you want.

As for making a topical with a diacetate, it
would be moot. -
