Injectable 4_AD

I have found a reliable source for 100mg/ml injectable 4-AD. Assuming that 4-AD is about 85% as potent as testosterone, would 100mg/day be as effective as 595mg of test per week?

You would have to inject it more than once a day since blood levels would plummet very quickly, stick to Androsol.

I can’t answer your question, but was about to post a smilair one on injectable 4-AD. I’ve found a post at another site on how to purify it and use a fina-kit to make it. I want to know if anyone has used it before? how did it work for you? I also suspect that if the half life is short, you can use it in the mornings and still maintain your natural circadian rhythem. That would mean minimum down regulation of natural T production with an AM spike. If that isnt how it works, and it releases over the course of 12-36 hrs(estimate), then it would be even more efficient. Also, for all you drug tested athletes, you could pass a test within 24 hrs of use(maybe less if the levels drop in a matter of hours).

I wouldn’t do this. If it were the US-made 4-AD, injecting that stuff is inconceivable. More likely the much-better imported stuff is used, but even this is not manufactured with any intent of being injected. However, the same is true for injectable steroids produced by the small blackmarket companies as well so, if one is not that insistent on pharmaceutical quality, it may be acceptable.

Perhaps the more serious issue is that it’s unlikely that anyone will make a good suspension of 4-AD, and a solution would have a very short half life (hours probably.)

Brock has been playing with an injectable
version of one of my prohormones, and likes it.
Personally, I think that since one can attain the same blood levels orally, why bother, but it is true that fewer milligrams are needed by injection to get that effect.

At some dosage level, a moderate one, 4-AD is equipotent to testosterone. But, calling things equipotent when they don’t work by entirely the same mechanisms can result in confusion. For example, while 500 mg/week 4-AD and 500 mg/week testosterone may give the same results, this doesn’t mean that 2000 mg/week 4-AD would give the same results as 2000 mg/week testosterone. (4-AD being Class II, and testosterone being Class I, binding well to the androgen receptor, and it or its metabolites also having non-AR mediated activities.)

(reply to racer X) Thing is, even a four hour half life, say with Dianabol, doesn’t give very much gains if taken only in the morning. So if one were to try to “take advantage” of the very short half life of a 4-AD solution, it’s true you could avoid inhibition, but you couldn’t expect much gains either if it is out of the system most of the time, as it would be unless you injected, oh, probably 10 or more times per day!

At least that is what I assume based on how testosterone behaves when injected as an oil solution. The duration of action is extremely short. (This is the reason there are no such commercial formulations of testosterone, but instead, only ester and suspension injection formulations.)