As a grad student I’m essentially broke. I’m 5 10 185 and I’m trying to add more protein into my diet. I currently am averaging 3,344 calories per day, and 202 grams of protein for the last month and a half. I’d like to up that by about 50 grams per day, but can’t think of any cheap way to do it.
I can’t stomach any more ground turkey than what I’m already eating. Plus I can’t really afford to be buying more steak or pork than I do currently as my budget is stretched virtually to the max. So what are some cheap ways to add about 50 grams of protein per day?
Actually crunching the numbers, if I added two protein shakes per day it would only cost me one dollar per day extra if I used water in the shakes…that’s not too bad.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
what’s your BF? do you handle carbs well? You could add in more carbs or fat for extra calories for probably cheaper than most protein sources.
My bodyfat is low, haven’t had it done in a while, but I’d say below 11 right now, and higher than 8.5. I think I could eat raw bacon grease all day for a month and not get past 17% bf.
Find a local farmer near your and buy a quarter of a cow (I like buffalo personally) and have the meat locker cut it as lean as possible.
Or if you don’t know any local farmers just go to a meat locker and but in bulk some lean sirloin or whatever you like. You can get other game meat as well, even quality chickens and stuff for a good price.
Sure beats the hell out of buying small quantities at the supermarket.
I used to eat a shitload of canned tuna becuase you can get it for dirtcheap at Sams, but then I got worried about mercury and cutback to a few cans a week only for convenience.
I will echo others also and say protein powder, but make sure it is decent quality. I like Metabolic Drive, but realize it is mutually exclusive with a tight budget for most people.
Budgets suck since oftentimes it forces you into quantity over quality.
Steal a crock pot and buy 3 pound roasts for like 8 bucks. Mmmm the leaner, the more expensive and the less it just “falls apart”. You can get a 3 lb fat ass chuck roast for like $6 or so… Just finished one off. Makes about 4 or 5 lunches to be microwaved. Can throw in potatoes or whatever.
It just occurred to me that i probably shouldn’t be eating that since I’m cutting…