Cheap Jiu Jitsu Mats

I’ve been looking for some cheaper Jiu Jitsu mat or any kind of MMA mat. If anyone has anyone info one where to find some nice cheaper ones thatd be great. thanks

How cheap are we talking? And how much space/mats are you looking to buy?

I just recently bought some used mats from a local guy who tried to open an MMA gym and failed for cheap, but I did a bunch of research beforehand looking into different options.

You can buy used remnant wrestling mats for relatively cheap (compared to new ones that is).

You can also buy a decent square footage of Jiu jitsu puzzle mats for reasonably cheap.

But you aren’t gonna find anything decent for dirt cheap online.

You could also try online classified sites like “craig’s list”, going to any local high schools, colleges, or MMA/Judo/Jiu jitsu/aikido schools and seeing if they’re looking to get rid of any old used mats.

Are you looking to buy them for a school, or are they for personal use?

Good luck.

If you’ve got a permanent space to for them, you can build your own and it turns out pretty well. I know of a few gyms that used homemade as their starting mats. There are a bunch of How To’s on the internet.

I want them for personal use, anythin will really do there just for my basement to roll a little on

I made my own for my garage. 211sqft for 300 bucks. Wood frame + carpet padding (about 4 rolls) + tarp anchored with Velcro. Take downs and throws at full force hurt a little, no more than getting thrown on a greco mat. But, its great for rolling and kickboxing.

I recently added some cap barbell puzzle mats (30 bucks a piece for 24sq ft) and sammiched them with carpet padding last weekend. Gonna try it out tomorrow with my training partners. Felt pretty nice when I was break falling at near full force on it yesterday.