just got my cast removed today! feels good and at the same time really weird. my foot is still a lil swollen and bruised but no pain…i cant really walk cuz it just feels really weird ansd stiff…my doc told me to put it in hot water and massage it and move it around, when do yall think ill be able to walk n stuff and is this normal?..my question is since its still swollen and bruised should i ice it also? if so ice before heat or heat before ice? i dont know why my doc didnt mention ice haha.
How long did you have the cast on? Immobilization is one of the worst things you can do to a joint because the articular cartilage depends on movement to circulate synovial fluid, which is its lifeblood. Immobilizaton basically “starves” the joint surface and this can have very serious consequences.
You need to aggressively remobilize your foot and ankle- move those joints as much as possible. Just sit there and move your foot through space, dorsiflexion/plantarflexion, inversion/eversion, figure 8s, etc. [u][i]DO NOT[/u][/i] put a large amount of force through the limb or attempt anything too ambitious for any reason. The weakened joints are highly suceptible to damage, and the damage will be permanent.
I can’t tell you when you’ll be ready to walk on it, but it will probably be obvious to you. Just take it slow. Just understand very clearly that you need to have a period of rehab lasting at least the duration of your immobilization period before you attempt any kind of athletic activity.
Why don’t you ask your doctor these questions? You can’t sue us for malpractice if we are wrong.
the doc just told me to put it in hot water and move it around and then take it out and put this muscle rub cream on it…he said to do that twice a day. but if my foot is still swollen and brusied (no pain) dont i need to ice it too. i was thinking ice and heat alternating? oh and i had the cast on for 4 weeks
Honestly, im not too high on my doc. its pretty swollen still and bruised and hes telling me to put it into hot water. every time i do that it feels worse. its feeling better alternating cold and hot for 5 mins.
my calf is extremely tight…i was in extreme pain yesterday because of it. i think its because since im moving it now and hadnt for a while…its sort of a shock to my calf…i dunno though. feels strained.
When i try to walk it feels like my heel just gives out with this shock feeling to it…really cant explain it too well. i really wanna be able to walk by the 13th. my friends are all going to san diego and i was gonna go but not so sure now…
[quote]kobe4life08 wrote:
Honestly, im not too high on my doc. its pretty swollen still and bruised and hes telling me to put it into hot water. every time i do that it feels worse. its feeling better alternating cold and hot for 5 mins.
my calf is extremely tight…i was in extreme pain yesterday because of it. i think its because since im moving it now and hadnt for a while…its sort of a shock to my calf…i dunno though. feels strained.
When i try to walk it feels like my heel just gives out with this shock feeling to it…really cant explain it too well. i really wanna be able to walk by the 13th. my friends are all going to san diego and i was gonna go but not so sure now…[/quote]
Heat will draw blood to the area. Keep using cold for pain relief and keep it elevated as much as possible.
I fractured my left foot a few years ago and had the cast for one month.
My foot hurt for months after the cast removal,and for a whole year it felt stiff and just not as flexible as the other one.
I always suspected the doctor removed the cast too soon
Anyways it took almost two years for my foot to get back in shape completely
thanks guys…another concern i have…
hey guys can u guys please help me with this. im sure a lot of u have sprained ur ankles. i had a dislocated foot/severely sprained ankle and its been a month. i can do calf raises on it while sitting and the swelling has gone down but there still is some. my question is if i can put weight on it while sitting and do calf raises and theres no pain.shouldnt i be able to wakl a bit? i cant even take a step while limping…its like my nerves are dead…it feels unstable and theres this tingling feeling around my heel area when i try to take a step and walk. is this normal? has any one experienced this? where ur able to do calf raises while sitting with no pain but cant even limp and walk? is this just nerve damage thatll heal with time