Carb Drink During Workout-Mess up post-workout nutrition?

If I’m taking in Surge or the like after a workout, will drinking a carb drink during my workout mess up the insulin surge that the post-workout drink is suppose to cause? I’m thinking about drinking during my workout to help lower Cortisol levels, but I don’t want to downplay the work of Insulin. Any thoughts?

Mike: As I looked back through my notes, I THINK JB sipped a Gatorade preparation during his workout, but I don’t know his thoughts on its effect on “Surge”. What I DO know, is that we often think of Cortisol and Insulin as “either/or; on or off” and as I remember from physiology, what we are really talking about are controlling the RELATIVE amount of one over the other. I sure would like to know John’s take on your question…

Yeah buy drinking a carb dring during exerise you are already causing an insulin boost. If you continue to do this your insulin levels are going to be elevated throughout thw workout and sruge will not cause the same effect. You see surge works so well because after a workout( if yo are not taking in a cad drink during it) your body is primed and ready for a big ihsulin boost.So if you want t oget the most out of surge stop drinking that card drink or if you continue to do so then wait an hour after your workout before consuming any surge.

Mike, the facts, (1) John is the creator of Surge. (2) John has recommended sipping a carb drink (50%malto, 50%dex) during the workout (along with glutamine, and powerdrive). When you put the two together, you should realize that the intake of a carb drink during the workout, is inconsequential to the efficacy of Surge(or at least has little hinderence). In fact, the creator of Surge, suggests that this is beneficial and he follows his suggestion.

Z, John has also hypothesized that the influx of glucagon during the workout counteracts the rise of insulin. Furthermore, after sipping the drink during the weight training session and doing 20min of cardio thereafter, one should consume Surge immediately as is recommended.

I’m sure John will have something to say, but he’s very busy so I hope I cut his effort/time by reiterating his previous posts/articles.

Bodyguard: I was thinking about this post at work. The REAL key here may be the post-workout cardio. Certainly (at least looking at it from a simple perspective) the “Surge” response is going to be greater AFTER post-workout cardio than if there was no cardio at all (keeping the workout drink the same). SCIENTIFICALLY there may not be a big difference one way or the other. Again, sure would like to see J.B’s response…Mufasa

Ive said this several times…insulin is suppressed during training no matter what you eat or drink. Therefore a carb drink will have no effect on insulin. Sipping a small amt of carbs (30 or so) during training is a great idea! Those carbs maintain blood glucose and keep neural drive high. As soon as the training is over, those carbs will be gone faster than you can take off your lifting gloves. Then, cardio or no cardio, drink your surge.

JMB, Are you saying that you should drink surge right after you workout regardless if you are doing cardio immediatley after workout? Or can I wait unttil after the cardio? Also what time window must you drink surge in order to benefit from it. What if I were to wait until i get home to take surge, this would be about 10-15 mins after my workout.


No! John has stated this more than 50 times!
If you don’t do cardio take Surge after weight training if you DO, do cardio take surge after the cardio after the weight training…

hey jb … do you think there could be a special formula to take during a workout that would be very beneficial? just an idea