So what is your method if you using capitans of grip gripers?
What do you think about reps till failure like 3x till failure vs static hold, lets say you can close coc no. 1.5 and take 2.0 close with two hands and hold as much as posibile 3 to 5 times 3 min. rest for how much time you must be able to hold first set before you can close 2.0 for one rep, does some one have expirience ?
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@tlgains might be able to provide insight
I used a coc trainer on my last custom designed training program, i used the trainer till failure on arm days, 3 sets that I built up to 18 reps. It worked but I have changed my forearm training for now.
If you want mass I would say keep the reps up, and if you want strength low reps