Can't Take It Anymore: I Never Sleep

I never sleep anymore, and when I do it’s shitty, and short lived. I work 20 hours a week, I start school at 7AM, I have to wake up at 5:20 or earlier. I never have alone time, I never have any down time. I have more homework then my work scheduele permits, I had to do a human braincoloring book for AP psych. Doing stupid shit like that when I could be sleeping is driving me insane. I’ve battled depression since before my teen years, and I’m going insane.

god damnit, what do I do? I just started the school year.

Is there a school counseller you could speak to? I’m sure if you’ve battled depression before then they’ll try to help you out somehow

Do everything in your power to maximize quantity and quality of sleep.

I nice tip I picked up awhile ago was turning off all the lights in my apartment about an hour before bed. I would usually just watch tv or read at this time, and if it’s dark I seem to get tired no matter how wired I am after getting home.

If I toss and turn for more than half an hour or so, I throw Star Trek 2 in the dvd player and wait to pass out. Reason being, I’ve seen that movie at least a billion times, and I have pretty much memorized every line from it so it’s not exactly exciting to watch. I just set the sleep timer and I’m usually out before the end of the Kobiashi Maru scenario.

Is it absolutely necessary for you to work 20 hrs a week?

Find a good book and read it before going to sleep. I used to have problems sleeping and was told to read a book. I read for about 5-15 minutes and I am out.

Turn off all the lights, pop in a self learning cd about something you truly do not give 2 shits about, and listen.

When I was having problems I popped in one of those learn to speak spanish cd’s that I found in my Mom’s house. I really don’t care to learn another language so it’s so boring to me I’d pass out pretty quickly.

Also, and this isn’t the first time I’ve reccommended this, if you can’t fall asleep, masterbate.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Turn off all the lights, pop in a self learning cd about something you truly do not give 2 shits about, and listen.

When I was having problems I popped in one of those learn to speak spanish cd’s that I found in my Mom’s house. I really don’t care to learn another language so it’s so boring to me I’d pass out pretty quickly.

Also, and this isn’t the first time I’ve reccommended this, if you can’t fall asleep, masterbate.[/quote]

Damn fine advice.

I’d take it a step further. Learn how to meditate. I’m not just talking about sitting in the dark and saying “ohhhhm” but really meditating.

It helps me through some very hard times.

Some sort of muscle relaxing workout is good too - stretching the likes of which is involved in yoga or Tai Chi can help relax your body and clear your mind.

Nothing wrong with a damn good wank too.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Also, and this isn’t the first time I’ve reccommended this, if you can’t fall asleep, masterbate.[/quote]

This has me sleeping like a baby. You might want to try to get a massage and try not to train at night also.

Hey man I suggest you start learning how to manage this because once you hit college that kind of stress doubles up…

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Also, and this isn’t the first time I’ve reccommended this, if you can’t fall asleep, masterbate.[/quote]

If I time this right, I can usually fall asleep within 5 minutes. Not sure if that’s good or bad.

If your in high school working 20 hours a week a a bit much. 50 hours a week of school and work plus homework for Ap classes :S. I would suggest rearranging your hours and make a solid Schedule.Instead of doing homework when ever ect. If you do everything you need to then many hours become available.

dude just tough it out because when you go to college you only have to go 2 days.

work on compressing. are you doing at least 2 parts a day at the gym? maybe toss out shit like shoulders and calves if itll free up time. i dont know many just cut corners.

i dont know your day to day schedule so its hard to tell.

im huge on sleep and i hate that i dont even get home til 12am on sunday nights and need to be up at 7 in order to get to school for my 8:30 class, even if i only get 6.5-7 hrs sleep i feel thrown off.

which is probaly why i always look so dumb on mondays, people will talk about shit that just doesnt click becuase my brain isnt even charged up…plus going to school for 8hrs a day takes its toll too.

im sure youll figure something out though, maybe take more naps

drop the job

ask yourself what is more important to you, your training or school or your job

there’s only so many hours in the day and it seems you have run out

[quote]cyph31 wrote:
drop the job


Exactly. Your job right now, zep, is to be a student. Everything else is gravy. If you can’t afford to drop the job, drop down to 10 hours/week.

And hangerbaby is right, it will probably only get worse the further you get in school. You’ll have to be pretty on top of your game.

That said, it’s all about maximizing time, and really scheduling. Write out your schedule, and you’ll probably find you do have some freetime. I recommend google calendar.

Welcome to my world.

I find if I go to bed properly then I will lie there for hours. If I turn a heater on, have music on, have one light on, and lie down on my bed in my clothes then I go to sleep after about 5 minutes.

Crazy shit.

the only time i go to bed with my clothes on is when im like eh…im only gonna lay there for a second…ah this is nice, an hour or two later im like, yeah i saw that coming.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Welcome to my world.[/quote]

No, you misread. He said he never sleeps, not “I never sleep with women.”

[quote]boyscout wrote:
cyph31 wrote:
drop the job

Exactly. Your job right now, zep, is to be a student. Everything else is gravy. If you can’t afford to drop the job, drop down to 10 hours/week.

And hangerbaby is right, it will probably only get worse the further you get in school. You’ll have to be pretty on top of your game.

That said, it’s all about maximizing time, and really scheduling. Write out your schedule, and you’ll probably find you do have some freetime. I recommend google calendar. [/quote]

can’t happen. I need gas to get to school to begin with. Once you stop suckling off the parental teet, you can’t go back. I also can’t afford 10hours/week (like 60$ a week before saving for college). I have to put half of my paycheck in the bank, and I now have bills to pay.

I’m going to talk to my counselor about dropping my zero hour. I really wanted the credit so I could take more community college classes my senior year instead of being at HS all day. I guess if I can’t even pass the class it only makes my GPA go down.

I need to get a fucking grip.

if your in college, drop a few classes.