Cannot Keep My Knees Out In The Squat

I have flat feet which causes my knees to cave inwards when standing, walking etc.

I have insoles I have to wear insoles for my shoes to give my some arch and support on the inside of my feet to bring my knees sort off out/level.

Now I use squat shoes as they provide the foot support and are sturdy etc.

However when I get to a “heavyish” weight my knees will cave in, I cannot get enough hip/glute activation to keep my knees from coming in. I squat low bar with a just outside of shoulder width stance.

I try to screw my feet into the floor and my toes facing outwards slightly and really try to sink into my hips and keep my knees over my feet in a normal motor pattern, but when the weight gets heavy my knees will come in. Now this isn’t just my 1RM, this is 80% or so.

Are there any exercises you can recommend me to do Jim, any mobility drills, just anything that will fix this issue?!

I use a hip circle to warm up, to try to open my hips and get my glutes firing, it helps but doesn’t fix it.

In your socks, take your squat stance, dig your big toes into the floor. Now while keeping your big toes gripping into the floor lift your arches(think about tilting your feet to the side but don’t let your big toe lose contact with the floor).
Keeping your feet in this position, squat down and push your knees outward, don’t forget the big toe!
Hope that helps!

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[quote=“Railingz, post:1, topic:216972, full:true”]
I have flat feet which causes my knees to cave inwards when standing, walking etc. [/quote]
Check out Kelly Starrett on youtube or/and get his book, to fix that

[quote=“Railingz, post:1, topic:216972, full:true”]
I try to screw my feet into the floor and my toes facing outwards slightly and really try to sink into my hips and keep my knees over my feet in a normal motor pattern, but when the weight gets heavy my knees will come in. Now this isn’t just my 1RM, this is 80% or so.[/quote]
I would say THIS is your max weight. The weight, you can squat with good form. So when your knees come in, the weight is too high for your muscles - probably glutes in your case.

Do two squat sessions a week. One regular and one assistance squat with a band around your knees and a bit lighter weights than usual. I have found box squats as an assistance movement very helpful for this issue as well.

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As mentioned, lower the training max accordingly. If your knees cave in consider it a failed rep. Just speculation but your stance could be too wide for what your hips can handle, your toes could be pointed out too much, or you could be trying to rely on the outer part of your quad too much (when your knees cave in, this part takes over). Look up some excercises to strengthen the hip ad/abductors (can’t remember, the one on the outside)… monster walks, etc.

Thanks for the help, I take a just out of shoulder width stance which feels neutral and comfortable.

I have lowered my TM recently due to this issue, I am now a good 10-15kg lighter on the squat with the working weight.

I also squat twice a week as I do squats after my deadlifts.

Will google some of the suggested exercises and see what I can find!