
i’m gettting ready to start bulking, i’m 5’ 8" 125 lbs and not sure of my bodyfat % (not a lot). i do a total body workout at least 3 times a week:

bench press: 3x7
front squats or hack squats (no rack, i clean the weight): 5X10
deadlifts: 3X5

i also take fish oil once a day and whey protein 2 or 3 times a day. so i was wondering how many calories i should be taking in each day. im trying to gain about 10 lbs in a month or 2.

Please search under nutrition and supplementation, found under the articles link in the side bar. Also a good equation to keep in mind is 1 stupid question per year of reading. That is all, goodbye.

[quote]p-dubb wrote:
i’m gettting ready to start bulking, i’m 5’ 8" 125 lbs and not sure of my bodyfat % (not a lot). i do a total body workout at least 3 times a week:

bench press: 3x7
front squats or hack squats (no rack, i clean the weight): 5X10
deadlifts: 3X5

i also take fish oil once a day and whey protein 2 or 3 times a day. so i was wondering how many calories i should be taking in each day. im trying to gain about 10 lbs in a month or 2.[/quote]

If that is all your program is then it isn’t balanced. Is that it or is there more?

On the diet matter, you should read some articles in the archives in order to improve your understanding of proper nutrition and meal contstruction- Berrardi’s Massive eating articles are a good start, along with pretty much all his stuff. At your age and weight though your focus for the next decade or so should be to eat every goddamn thing in sight. Your metabolism and hormones will be running at max for the next several years and the last thing you want to do is hold back your development by not getting enough to eat. Don’t waste your best growth years by not going back for seconds, thirds, fourths, and sixths.

1.25-2g of protein per lbm and just eat more man…2800-4000 calories; but your light…don’t count calories just yet. eat everything you can, even pussy.

do more exercises too, those 3 will help somewhat; but won’t do that whole job.

[quote]etaco wrote:
At your age and weight though your focus for the next decade or so should be to eat every goddamn thing in sight. Your metabolism and hormones will be running at max for the next several years and the last thing you want to do is hold back your development by not getting enough to eat. Don’t waste your best growth years by not going back for seconds, thirds, fourths, and sixths.[/quote]

Yeah, so we here at T-Nation suggest you eat literally everything in sight, cuz it’s all we ever say. That means, if you see a box of ice cream, eat it. If you see a box of candy, eat it. If you see a big liter of coke in the fridge, drink it. If you see a chicken in the fridge, eat it. If you see a large pizza sitting around, eat it.

These are all things that you will see in the next decade, so these will all be things you will have no choice but to eat when you see them. I will only hope that you happen to see a vegetable lying around in the next decade, and not just pizza and ice cream and chips, since you’re apparently supposed to eat everything you see…stupid

Depending on what your overall long term goals are I would really pick a program from this site as yours quite honestly isn’t that great. As far as diet you probably need to take more than 1 fish oil capsule a day(if thats what your taking) Also keep it clean for the most part

Lean beef
Some pork
Metabolic Drive

Olive Oil
Flax Oil
Some Dairy

Whole wheat pastas and rice
Sweet Potatoes
Whole wheat bread

The key at this point is to build the right dietary habits. With that being said don’t be afraid to toss in some junk food here or there simply because your 125 pounds for god sakes.

[quote]etaco wrote:
If that is all your program is then it isn’t balanced. Is that it or is there more?

At your age and weight though your focus for the next decade or so should be to eat every goddamn thing in sight. Your metabolism and hormones will be running at max for the next several years and the last thing you want to do is hold back your development by not getting enough to eat. [/quote]

Good post.

To the OP: if you can deadlift 3 times per week, you might not be lifting heavy enough. You can lift heavy often, but you need to shake up the movements and parameters. I hope to God that wasn’t the extent of your program that you posted above.

Also, that’s not a genuine full-body workout. Try one of Waterbury’s programs. Don’t go freestyle on your workouts, you’re not there yet. Over on the left, click on his name in the ‘Authors’ section.

How old are you? I think everyone assumed you’re a high school student, but it’s not clear from your post or your profile.

[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
etaco wrote:
At your age and weight though your focus for the next decade or so should be to eat every goddamn thing in sight. Your metabolism and hormones will be running at max for the next several years and the last thing you want to do is hold back your development by not getting enough to eat. Don’t waste your best growth years by not going back for seconds, thirds, fourths, and sixths.

Yeah, so we here at T-Nation suggest you eat literally everything in sight, cuz it’s all we ever say. That means, if you see a box of ice cream, eat it. If you see a box of candy, eat it. If you see a big liter of coke in the fridge, drink it. If you see a chicken in the fridge, eat it. If you see a large pizza sitting around, eat it.

These are all things that you will see in the next decade, so these will all be things you will have no choice but to eat when you see them. I will only hope that you happen to see a vegetable lying around in the next decade, and not just pizza and ice cream and chips, since you’re apparently supposed to eat everything you see…stupid[/quote]

Nice. You remove the preceding sentence in which I tell him to do research on proper nutrition and meal construction strategies and then read in the opposite meaning to the rest of the statement. Why should one ever use common sense in interpreting a message?

[quote]etaco wrote:
Nice. You remove the preceding sentence in which I tell him to do research on proper nutrition and meal construction strategies and then read in the opposite meaning to the rest of the statement. Why should one ever use common sense in interpreting a message?[/quote]

Who has common sense anymore? What I truly don’t get is why some of these guys fight that advice so hard as if eating will somehow NOT build more muscle mass than thinking only about light snacks and barely eating enough to survive.

A growing ACTIVE teenager can get away with eating a lot more than many on this site seem to believe or understand. I’m honestly glad I didn’t have someone telling me to not eat more when I started.