Okay - In Byp0s post about his results one of the responses says that it looks like he has a mild case of gyno. Well I myself have nipples similar to those of Byp0 in his 171lb picture. I
m wondering how to tell if I have - or have ever had a mild case of gyno. In that other thread there is also a post that says gyno hurts like a motherfucker and that under the nipple is a natural fat storage area for men. Okay - so now how do you tell the difference between natural fat storage and gyno. How much does gyno actually hurt? I`ve been wondering about this for a long time - any ideas would be appreciated.
Okay - so is it that simple - that if your nipples dont hurt like a motherfucker you don
t have gyno?
I actually had a mild case of natural occuring gyno when I was a teenager. It only hurt like a mofo while it was “growing”. After the growth phase it no longer hurt. Either way I had it surgically removed. Now I have crappy scars, but thats another story
I’ve got very mild gyno, which isn’t especially bad at all and doesn’t worry me enough to prevent me from taking my shirt off =) It no longer hurts, but when it was growing in my mid-teens, it did quite a bit. I’m sure there are plenty of old posts floating around about this?