Are burpies for fat burning and cardio as effective as running? I want to get rid of fat and I don’t like running on treadmills and elipticals. If burpies are good how should I do them? sets? continuous? Any other non-running fat burning cardio-like exercises appreciated. Thanks
They are very good. Anything that you do in spurts should boost your heart beat and get the afterburn effect going. Look around this site for article by Cosgrove. He and others use burbees and other exercieses to create this effect.
One popular way to do them is as a tabata. That is do as many as possible in 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat 7 more times. That’s an entire workout. It only takes 4 minutes. Dan John explains this on this site.
i LOVE burpies. heres kind of what i incorporate into my cardio days:
-jump rope for 3 minutes
-10 burpees
-do 10 45lb plate “round-abouts” clockwise and counter clockwise
-shadow box 3 minutes
rest a few minutes, start over, repeat 4-5 times… youll be sweating your ass off and do almost a total body workout in the process
I started doing metabolic conditioning to lose weight. Its definitely working. Burpees, DB swings, DB clean and jerks, thrusters, push ups, pull ups, and really any other more full body/compound movement. I pick a handful of exercises, figure a good amount of reps to do for each, and do them right after each other. Then I’ll rest about a minute and do it again. It can get pretty brutal.
These are some sites I like for this type of training:
Hell yeah, I did a circuit the other night that included burpees. It was 25 v-ups, 50 KB snatches, 25 pushups, 50 KB swings, 50 burpees, 50 KB C&Ps, and finally 50 mountain climbers.
Did that as fast as I could with minimal rest, just for the hell of it. It was fun but it kicked my ass. I was sweating like a pig at the end.
When I was in the military, some of us use to do 1x100 8-counts every Friday morning for PT. It was pure hell. Similar to burpees.
[quote]Andrewcc26 wrote:
Are burpies for fat burning and cardio as effective as running? I want to get rid of fat and I don’t like running on treadmills and elipticals. If burpies are good how should I do them? sets? continuous? Any other non-running fat burning cardio-like exercises appreciated. Thanks
ahh burpees are sick
that and jump squats get my heart rate up instantly
also depends how intense you get.
get lowwwww, then get hiiiiiiigh