[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
You should all be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves for your behavior on this thread. If you’d take a second to pull your heads out of your butts, you might have time to do a little research and find that eating disorders in males are becoming a more serious problem nowadays. Mortality rates are 10% in those who suffer from anorexia, and the fact that this kid turned to T-Nation for help and you ridiculed him makes me sick. This guy is son, brother, and friend to people who love him very much and are probably absolutely distraught about what he’s been through and the feeling of helplessness that’s overcoming them. He isn’t just some internet persona; try not to let your keyboards get too separated from reality.
For those of you who think this is as simple as “Just eat, you fucking weirdo,” here’s something to consider…
A recent study at UNC found that 56% of eating disorder cases have a genetic component, and researchers at Pitt found increased levels of serotonin in the anorexic brain. As you may or may not know, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin; without this amino acid, you won’t get serotonin.
It’s been shown that starvation prevents tryptophan from getting to the brain. So, essentially, in those individuals who are genetically predisposed to having more serotonin in their brains, starvation is actually a form of self-medication. A subsconscious thing can eventually become a conscious thought process once it’s been ingrained for long enough. In this regard, some “triggers” like the media and name-calling from other kids might be just the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Suffice it to say that I have more experience than you can possibly imagine in the etiology and treatment of eating disorders, and I can say without wavering that this thread typifies everything that is WRONG with society in their view of how to handle these situations. If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.
friedrice683 - Drop me an email at ec@ericcressey.com. I’ll give you a call and we can chat - no charge.[/quote]
In all honesty, I am amazed at your response. This kid is obviously surrounded by people, including a mother he claims avoids doctors because she would rather treat everything at home. You jump in and assume no one has considered he has an eating disorder.
Exactly how stupid do you think other people are? Let me ask you a question…has this poster run away or has he continued to claim that he will try harder and harder with every post?
Wait, did you look?
No, seriously, did you read through his other threads and follow his responses?
You know, because you are so ashamed of everyone here, you just might think that no one is getting through to him.
I can tell you that I have had several of these guys send me private messages (wait, did you think I made that up?). He is not the first to log on weighing all of 130lbs or less looking for some guidance.
There is more than one approach and when the goal is to get through to someone and the only communication you have with them is through type written word, sometimes, the hold me/hug me response will not get the desired effect.
The one thing I agree on is that this kid needs professional help…but did you read what was written about how his mother views medical assistance? I know I didn’t miss it.
This is an internet forum. No one here gets paid for the assistance given or pseudo-advice handed over the internet. The approach one might have when able to see someone face to face will obviously not be exactly the same when only conversing with their “mind”.