Bulking When Already Looking Like ****

123 lbs @ 5’11…


you’re several inches taller and weigh ten pounds less than Paris Hilton…

you make ghandi look buff…

what’s your diet like, one celery stick a day?

I’m betting your knee joint is the thickest part of your leg and your elbow is the thickest part of your arm…and for some bizarre reason you think you’re carrying too much fat…

YOU’RE ROYALLY FUCKED IN THE HEAD! go see a psychiatrist…

Alright well I made my first set of goals while looking through a lot of Berardi’s articles and here it is:

At 156lbs, my weight before anorexia, I will see how I look. That is 33lbs from now, so if I think I put on too much fat, then I will adjust my diet a little and then continue up to 170. If I feel I look fine, then I will actually up the caloric intake to see if I can get away with even more. Either way, my goal weight is 170. Then I will determine how much fat I have put on, and decide to lose half of that fat. (So maybe cut down to hopefully 155 or so). Then bulk back up to 190.

Anyway, in one year I hope to weigh:

I bench 125lbs right now and my goal bench will be 200lbs (does this sound practical?)

What have you eaten today?

Before typing your response, go get yourself something to eat, and continue eating until you are full.

Type your response, then go eat again.

Find something that is heavy to you, and pick it up, then go eat some more.

Finally, go to sleep and get plenty of rest, then continue eating and lifting heavy things for another 5 years.

Don’t weigh yourself, or look into a mirror until the 5 year mark is up.


You should all be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves for your behavior on this thread. If you’d take a second to pull your heads out of your butts, you might have time to do a little research and find that eating disorders in males are becoming a more serious problem nowadays. Mortality rates are 10% in those who suffer from anorexia, and the fact that this kid turned to T-Nation for help and you ridiculed him makes me sick. This guy is son, brother, and friend to people who love him very much and are probably absolutely distraught about what he’s been through and the feeling of helplessness that’s overcoming them. He isn’t just some internet persona; try not to let your keyboards get too separated from reality.

For those of you who think this is as simple as “Just eat, you fucking weirdo,” here’s something to consider…

A recent study at UNC found that 56% of eating disorder cases have a genetic component, and researchers at Pitt found increased levels of serotonin in the anorexic brain. As you may or may not know, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin; without this amino acid, you won’t get serotonin.

It’s been shown that starvation prevents tryptophan from getting to the brain. So, essentially, in those individuals who are genetically predisposed to having more serotonin in their brains, starvation is actually a form of self-medication. A subsconscious thing can eventually become a conscious thought process once it’s been ingrained for long enough. In this regard, some “triggers” like the media and name-calling from other kids might be just the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Suffice it to say that I have more experience than you can possibly imagine in the etiology and treatment of eating disorders, and I can say without wavering that this thread typifies everything that is WRONG with society in their view of how to handle these situations. If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

friedrice683 - Drop me an email at ec@ericcressey.com. I’ll give you a call and we can chat - no charge.

EC, you are a stand up guy. I had an eating disorder at a young age. It got to the point where I weighed in at sixty pounds at 5 feet tall. I then struggled with it later in life before I found T-Nation and started to lift weights.

I was forced to drink crap loads of ensure till I was 14 (and I still love the taste).

I think some guys go overboard on this website. I wonder how many people actually talk like this in real life.

To the OP

Eating disorders are tough. I know some people have offered help but if you want you can PM me to talk. I have been there and know what is like.

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:

You should all be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves for your behavior on this thread. If you’d take a second to pull your heads out of your butts, you might have time to do a little research and find that eating disorders in males are becoming a more serious problem nowadays. Mortality rates are 10% in those who suffer from anorexia, and the fact that this kid turned to T-Nation for help and you ridiculed him makes me sick. This guy is son, brother, and friend to people who love him very much and are probably absolutely distraught about what he’s been through and the feeling of helplessness that’s overcoming them. He isn’t just some internet persona; try not to let your keyboards get too separated from reality.

For those of you who think this is as simple as “Just eat, you fucking weirdo,” here’s something to consider…

A recent study at UNC found that 56% of eating disorder cases have a genetic component, and researchers at Pitt found increased levels of serotonin in the anorexic brain. As you may or may not know, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin; without this amino acid, you won’t get serotonin.

It’s been shown that starvation prevents tryptophan from getting to the brain. So, essentially, in those individuals who are genetically predisposed to having more serotonin in their brains, starvation is actually a form of self-medication. A subsconscious thing can eventually become a conscious thought process once it’s been ingrained for long enough. In this regard, some “triggers” like the media and name-calling from other kids might be just the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Suffice it to say that I have more experience than you can possibly imagine in the etiology and treatment of eating disorders, and I can say without wavering that this thread typifies everything that is WRONG with society in their view of how to handle these situations. If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

friedrice683 - Drop me an email at ec@ericcressey.com. I’ll give you a call and we can chat - no charge.[/quote]

Eric Cressey is a stand up dude.

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:

You should all be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves for your behavior on this thread. If you’d take a second to pull your heads out of your butts, you might have time to do a little research and find that eating disorders in males are becoming a more serious problem nowadays. Mortality rates are 10% in those who suffer from anorexia, and the fact that this kid turned to T-Nation for help and you ridiculed him makes me sick. This guy is son, brother, and friend to people who love him very much and are probably absolutely distraught about what he’s been through and the feeling of helplessness that’s overcoming them. He isn’t just some internet persona; try not to let your keyboards get too separated from reality.

For those of you who think this is as simple as “Just eat, you fucking weirdo,” here’s something to consider…

A recent study at UNC found that 56% of eating disorder cases have a genetic component, and researchers at Pitt found increased levels of serotonin in the anorexic brain. As you may or may not know, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin; without this amino acid, you won’t get serotonin.

It’s been shown that starvation prevents tryptophan from getting to the brain. So, essentially, in those individuals who are genetically predisposed to having more serotonin in their brains, starvation is actually a form of self-medication. A subsconscious thing can eventually become a conscious thought process once it’s been ingrained for long enough. In this regard, some “triggers” like the media and name-calling from other kids might be just the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Suffice it to say that I have more experience than you can possibly imagine in the etiology and treatment of eating disorders, and I can say without wavering that this thread typifies everything that is WRONG with society in their view of how to handle these situations. If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

friedrice683 - Drop me an email at ec@ericcressey.com. I’ll give you a call and we can chat - no charge.[/quote]

I’m glad you’re willing to help him. I’m not the only one that’s told him that he still has an eating disorder. Yes I’ve as well as others have been harsh but sometimes that’s what’s needed to get a wake up call. You may want to ask yourself where have his parents and friends been in all this as he’s admitted here that he has a prob. I highly doubt his parents have just wrote him off as you seem to think most of us have.

I may not have as much experince as you, but I know a few like him and sometimes after reasoning hasn’t worked a little harshness may. Has he only been reasoned with? I don’t know. If this is the last place he’s turned to for help because he hasn’t received that from his family and friends, that aren’t disconnected by a keyboard, why would you think that he’d get help here? He needs professional help and I’m sure his parents have either suggested that or been there.

I hope he gets the help he needs,whatever that is now, I really do.

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

yeah, the kid has a mental problem, no shit, even a dumbass like me figured that much out, and it’s great that you’re willing to help this kid out…

but you can FUCK OFF with your I’m your mister squeaky clean, I’m mister above-it-all, I’m mister perfect, richie cunningham, annoying father figure, holier-than-thou, admonishing bullshit…

Excellent response Eric. While the responses (sans a few) have been horrible, it’s not really surprising around here.

To the OP - 190 and a 200 bench in a few years is a perfectly reasonable goal if/once you’ve got your issues with anorexia worked out. Best of luck to you in reaching them - the articles here are a good resource. The suggestion for checking out Vroom’s Are you a Beginner thread was a good one, good compilation of articles to get you started.

While the OP seems to have his head on reasonably straight in this thread given his responses, the potential for serious consequences is huge given the amount of traffic this site sees.


[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:

You should all be absolutely ASHAMED of yourselves for your behavior on this thread. If you’d take a second to pull your heads out of your butts, you might have time to do a little research and find that eating disorders in males are becoming a more serious problem nowadays. Mortality rates are 10% in those who suffer from anorexia, and the fact that this kid turned to T-Nation for help and you ridiculed him makes me sick. This guy is son, brother, and friend to people who love him very much and are probably absolutely distraught about what he’s been through and the feeling of helplessness that’s overcoming them. He isn’t just some internet persona; try not to let your keyboards get too separated from reality.

For those of you who think this is as simple as “Just eat, you fucking weirdo,” here’s something to consider…

A recent study at UNC found that 56% of eating disorder cases have a genetic component, and researchers at Pitt found increased levels of serotonin in the anorexic brain. As you may or may not know, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin; without this amino acid, you won’t get serotonin.

It’s been shown that starvation prevents tryptophan from getting to the brain. So, essentially, in those individuals who are genetically predisposed to having more serotonin in their brains, starvation is actually a form of self-medication. A subsconscious thing can eventually become a conscious thought process once it’s been ingrained for long enough. In this regard, some “triggers” like the media and name-calling from other kids might be just the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Suffice it to say that I have more experience than you can possibly imagine in the etiology and treatment of eating disorders, and I can say without wavering that this thread typifies everything that is WRONG with society in their view of how to handle these situations. If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

friedrice683 - Drop me an email at ec@ericcressey.com. I’ll give you a call and we can chat - no charge.[/quote]

In all honesty, I am amazed at your response. This kid is obviously surrounded by people, including a mother he claims avoids doctors because she would rather treat everything at home. You jump in and assume no one has considered he has an eating disorder.

Exactly how stupid do you think other people are? Let me ask you a question…has this poster run away or has he continued to claim that he will try harder and harder with every post?

Wait, did you look?

No, seriously, did you read through his other threads and follow his responses?

You know, because you are so ashamed of everyone here, you just might think that no one is getting through to him.

I can tell you that I have had several of these guys send me private messages (wait, did you think I made that up?). He is not the first to log on weighing all of 130lbs or less looking for some guidance.

There is more than one approach and when the goal is to get through to someone and the only communication you have with them is through type written word, sometimes, the hold me/hug me response will not get the desired effect.

The one thing I agree on is that this kid needs professional help…but did you read what was written about how his mother views medical assistance? I know I didn’t miss it.

This is an internet forum. No one here gets paid for the assistance given or pseudo-advice handed over the internet. The approach one might have when able to see someone face to face will obviously not be exactly the same when only conversing with their “mind”.

[quote]DPH wrote:
Eric Cressey wrote:
If you don’t have something productive to say, don’t say anything.

yeah, the kid has a mental problem, no shit, even a dumbass like me figured that much out, and it’s great that you’re willing to help this kid out…

but you can FUCK OFF with your I’m your mister squeaky clean, I’m mister above-it-all, I’m mister perfect, richie cunningham, annoying father figure, holier-than-thou, admonishing bullshit…[/quote]

Agreed. That was about as close to trying to be someone’s parent over the internet as I have ever seen. I am now confused as to whether I should go to bed without dinner or simply face the corner.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
…and quit bringing down the name of UnderArmour by using your body as a coat hanger for their merchandise. If I were the company, I would sue you for false advertisement.[/quote]

Damn you, man. I just choked on my Metabolic Drive shake… and it has flaxseed in it. Damn you!

I don’t have the time or desire to debate this, but some point to consider:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
In all honesty, I am amazed at your response. This kid is obviously surrounded by people, including a mother he claims avoids doctors because she would rather treat everything at home.[/quote]

Ever think that it’s because his family has already realized that most doctors don’t have a clue how to treat these problems? Or, perhaps they’re getting bombarded by advice from 100 different directions - and keeping it “in house” is the best option for them right now. It isn’t as black and white as you might think.

They might have considered it, but they sure didn’t act like they had.

[quote]Exactly how stupid do you think other people are? Let me ask you a question…has this poster run away or has he continued to claim that he will try harder and harder with every post?

You know what?

Wait, did you look?

No, seriously, did you read through his other threads and follow his responses?[/quote]

Yes, and I saw your first response to it:

I am confused. You weigh under 130lbs and you are more concerned about “definition”? I would say you have more than a “bit” of a problem. In fact, it doesn’t surprise me. It just bothers me that there are suddenly so many guys who are apparently anorexic. This used to be a “girl problem” and now half of the guys logging in seem to have it. Don’t you guys have testicles?

Don’t quit your day job; you’ll never be a shrink. I’m really sorry that genetic disorders and kids whose lives have been turned upside-down “bother” you.

I’m sure some have - but all the negative comments don’t help.

[quote]I can tell you that I have had several of these guys send me private messages (wait, did you think I made that up?). He is not the first to log on weighing all of 130lbs or less looking for some guidance.

There is more than one approach and when the goal is to get through to someone and the only communication you have with them is through type written word, sometimes, the hold me/hug me response will not get the desired effect.[/quote]

Then perhaps the best response is to refer them elsewhere.

There’s always more than meets the eye with this stuff; trust me.

Sometimes, people just need to realize that some things are outside the realm of expertise. This is one such instance.

-Richie Cunningham

Hey guys…I think I made you guys think the wrong thing. What I meant by that is my mom will bring me to the doctor’s if she knows I’m sick, but anything else, such as depression, she handles herself. I am seeing a shrink. I told the shrink when I thought I had anorexia, when I actually did have it, and I told the shrink I am doing much better, which I am right now. (Eating 2x as much as I was when I was anorexic less than 3 months ago).

Anyways, thanks again for all your willingness to help, all those who offered private help, I am taking all of this advice and putting it to good use.

My mom through out the scale two days ago, it was the best thing too caus now I don’t even care or even want to know what it says, I enjoy just eating a lot and getting bigger.

However, I’m going on vacation with her for a week at the end of this week. Should I still eat a lot even though I will have no access to the gym? Or should I just take it easy and wait until I’m back in the gym, whatever’s best I’m willing to do.

Thanks again guys, I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

Oh yeah someone wanted to know what I ate today. I hear you are supposed to gradually go into a bulk diet, so I am, gradually increasing my calories up to that 3,000-3,500 mark.

cup of oatmeal
protein shake

protein shake
peanutbutter and roast beef on whole wheat
MRP (56g of protein, 11g carbs, 3g fat)

roast beef
2 veggie burgers and egg whites
a crap load of peanutbutter

1/2 an entire pot roast
cup of mozarella cheese sprinkled on it

goin to bed now :slight_smile:

Thanks again guys, you really are life-savers.

[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
I don’t have the time or desire to debate this,[/quote]

But that won’t stop you this time, will it? Let me ask, do you think it is because the right buttons were pushed…or that you are simply responding to my post before the other written in even more abrupt tone for no reason at all?

Ever think that it’s because his family has already realized that most doctors don’t have a clue how to treat these problems? Or, perhaps they’re getting bombarded by advice from 100 different directions - and keeping it “in house” is the best option for them right now. It isn’t as black and white as you might think.[/quote]

On the contrary, I don’t think it is black and white at all. I treat patients all day long (pm me and I will give you more info) and I have to play psychologist to each and every one of them.

That is how I am able to get some scared kid to relax enough in front of a really large black man to actually joke around with them…and then let me stick them with needles…and then leave smiling. That is what I do all day long.

They might have considered it, but they sure didn’t act like they had.[/quote]

Actually, most of his other threads have been met with a very large desire to help the kid…from several posters who don’t even usually post.

Yes, and I saw your first response to it:

I am confused. You weigh under 130lbs and you are more concerned about “definition”? I would say you have more than a “bit” of a problem. In fact, it doesn’t surprise me. It just bothers me that there are suddenly so many guys who are apparently anorexic. This used to be a “girl problem” and now half of the guys logging in seem to have it. Don’t you guys have testicles?

Don’t quit your day job; you’ll never be a shrink. I’m really sorry that genetic disorders and kids whose lives have been turned upside-down “bother” you.[/quote]

How is he bothering me? I wrote that it bothers me that so many are suddenly appearing everywhere. You actually read that to mean that it bothers me because he has the problem to deal with? You can’t be serious. The growing numbers of guys with this problem is something I constantly discuss here. This isn’t new. How many have we had in the just the last few months?

I’m sure some have - but all the negative comments don’t help.[/quote]

Prove that. Prove that this kid can’t tell when someone is joking around with him or simply blowing him off.

Then perhaps the best response is to refer them elsewhere.[/quote]

Most medical issues do get referred. Every case of this does not need medical intervention. Read through the beginner forum. One guy was just like this about a month ago. He is now working on gaining. Are you saying this can’t happen without medical intervention in a face to face encounter?

There’s always more than meets the eye with this stuff; trust me.[/quote]

No, trust me, you aren’t the only professional on these forums. You are preaching to the choir and you don’t even seem to know it.

Sometimes, people just need to realize that some things are outside the realm of expertise. This is one such instance.

-Richie Cunningham[/quote]

Sometimes people need to realize that every individual with a problem does not require life support to take control of it.

[quote]friedrice683 wrote:
Hey guys…I think I made you guys think the wrong thing. What I meant by that is my mom will bring me to the doctor’s if she knows I’m sick, but anything else, such as depression, she handles herself. I am seeing a shrink. I told the shrink when I thought I had anorexia, when I actually did have it, and I told the shrink I am doing much better, which I am right now. (Eating 2x as much as I was when I was anorexic less than 3 months ago).

Anyways, thanks again for all your willingness to help, all those who offered private help, I am taking all of this advice and putting it to good use.

My mom through out the scale two days ago, it was the best thing too caus now I don’t even care or even want to know what it says, I enjoy just eating a lot and getting bigger.

However, I’m going on vacation with her for a week at the end of this week. Should I still eat a lot even though I will have no access to the gym? Or should I just take it easy and wait until I’m back in the gym, whatever’s best I’m willing to do.

Thanks again guys, I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

Oh yeah someone wanted to know what I ate today. I hear you are supposed to gradually go into a bulk diet, so I am, gradually increasing my calories up to that 3,000-3,500 mark.

cup of oatmeal
protein shake

protein shake
peanutbutter and roast beef on whole wheat
MRP (56g of protein, 11g carbs, 3g fat)

roast beef
2 veggie burgers and egg whites
a crap load of peanutbutter

1/2 an entire pot roast
cup of mozarella cheese sprinkled on it

goin to bed now :slight_smile:

Thanks again guys, you really are life-savers. [/quote]

Keep it up. Let us know if we need to call an ambulance right now or not.

Just enjoy your vacation. Don’t worry about your diet. Eat whatever you want. Don’t stress over an extra pound or two.

[quote]friedrice683 wrote:
However, I’m going on vacation with her for a week at the end of this week. Should I still eat a lot even though I will have no access to the gym? Or should I just take it easy and wait until I’m back in the gym, whatever’s best I’m willing to do.

Funny thing is, I’ve never heard of anybody who maintained their diet while on vacation. I eat out all the time when I’m on vacation. We all come back in one piece in the end. So will you. :slight_smile:

You’re a cool dude too.

[quote]friedrice683 wrote:
peanutbutter and roast beef on whole wheat

Peanutbutter and roast beef sandwich? You might be on to something.


As was just said, don’t stress about things in the short term. There is no race and you’ve begun at a nice early age… I wish I had.

I’m happy to hear about the fact you do have professional help and sound motivated to get beyond this issue.

I’m also really happy to see you talk about slowly upping intake based on the articles and so on. It shows you are reading and thinking and I bet you’ll get a lot of advice and support in the future, when you can post before AND after pictures. Take the before pictures now, but there is no need to post them yet.

Getting involved with the iron, and taking control of your life, is a long and very rewarding road. Just give your body some time to recover from near starvation before you challenge it too much. Some people may not agree, but I’d say ramp things up slowly.