When people cut or bulk why is it usually months during each stage? For example what is the benefit of bulking for 5 months and cutting for two rather than having one month cutting one month bulking?
Is it because you use the six months to put on large gains in size then the few months cutting to remove the excess fat aquired, if so wouldn’t it be far easier to take a month on a month off for quicker results and less fat gain?
Unless you are a pro bodybuilder or a fighter of some kind (Wrestling, boxing, MMA, etc) trying to make weight, you first have to spend years getting there, not months.
[quote]Chopatoua wrote:
When people cut or bulk why is it usually months during each stage? For example what is the benefit of bulking for 5 months and cutting for two rather than having one month cutting one month bulking?
Is it because you use the six months to put on large gains in size then the few months cutting to remove the excess fat aquired, if so wouldn’t it be far easier to take a month on a month off for quicker results and less fat gain? [/quote]
Just last week, a kid asked a kinda similar question - why couldn’t he “bulk” from Monday to Thursday and “cut” from Friday to Sunday, so he could build muscle and burn fat every week. I was happy with my reply to him so, you get a copy/paste.
"Years ago, there was a training and diet plan floating around actually called the ABCDE plan - Anabolic Burst Cycle of Diet and Exercise. Basically you were supposed to do an all-out bulk for two weeks and then do a hardcore cutting diet for two weeks, repeated for several months. Simply put, it didn’t work.
When you increase calories and try to bulk up fast, the body can only process so many nutrients before you start storing much more fat than muscle. After a certain point, you just can’t force-feed lean muscle growth. And whenever you’re cutting, the faster you try to get results, the higher the chance for muscle loss.
Put it all together, whether it’s two weeks at a time or every few days, and you end up going in circles like everyone’s said. End up getting fat, then diet and lose muscle, try again, end up getting fat, then diet and lose muscle."