so, I have been training Bulgarian style in the power lifting discipline (what I have always competed in) for 6 months, maxing on squat and bench 6 days a week and pulling 1 to 3 times a week and still including a little accessory work on most days. I thought I would post my results so far for anyone who is interested, BTW I am 41 years old and have been training close to twenty years (off and on), power lifting the last 8 years and was drug free at the time of this training cycle. I will start with the pro’s of this training for me, most importantly, my â?ª#â??sâ?¬ went up. Fast. After years of slow minimal gains.
Most of the more dramatic gains came in the first three months but the PRs kept coming even in a chronically fatigued state. I was able to compete in and win (masters and open 220) a USPA meet and place in two non sanctioned push/pull meets during this time with no meet prep. So in six months I put about 170 pounds on my raw total,100lbs on my squat , 35lbs on bench and 35 on deads, I believe the dead lift gains were minimal due to squatting every day and those gains will show up after some time off.
Okay, the cons, I am a walking ball of pain ! My knees look like deformed cantaloupes, I can hardly get off the couch ,or out of the car, or off the damn toilet with out moaning in agony.Okay screaming in agony. My left shoulder is toast and my elbows have took out a restraining order on me. Also mentally I am way more compromised than usual , My mind is a lump of dough and doesn’t work well or fast.
Emotionally I am quick to anger and likely to act on emotion rather than reason. My thoughts so far are of course that the pros out weigh the cons because my #s went up, duh! haha! I have decided to , no, my body and mind are forcing me to take some time off , I have a physically demanding job and I am am just breaking down in every way possible, So i am taking 7 days off , all the way off, from training that is.
I am curious to see where my #s are after sufficient rest and recuperation, PRs across the board I hope, then it’s right back on the Bulgarian train, I’m sure I will make some tweaks in it , like a deload every 6 to 8 weeks, but no major changes in something that has worked so well.