[quote]chris_ottawa wrote:
What you are saying is true, but at the same time there was more to his methods than just max out and do down sets. There’s a lot of his information out there, but no complete training system. There were different ways of organizing training that look fairly straightforward, but nobody really understands the logic behind everything. It’s like Westside, people complain that it doesn’t work for raw lifters but they never actually trained with Louie, they just copied some things they heard about and didn’t understand why they did what they did. There are powerlifters in Bulgaria right now maxing out daily, multiple sessions, etc., but I don’t see any of their programs anywhere. Dietmar Wolf’s current programs are state secrets of Norway, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same with the Bulgarians.[/quote]
I think you’re overcomplicating it. The principles of Westside are solid and the logic isn’t hard to follow (application to raw lifting is another story). The principles of Abadjiev are simple and straightforward as well. It’s the application of principles to a specific individual that are complicated vary lifter to lifter. It’s helpful to have someone with years/decades of experience and an objective eye to apply the principles - what kind of jumps, when to stop, how much back down volume to use, etc. Otherwise it probably takes years or decades of experience training this way to apply it most optimally to yourself. I highly doubt there are any secrets, just experience and hard work.