RE: everything
TheDudeAbides, Doublesidedtape and IronWarrior24–
Get off this thread and out of the Beginner’s forum if you don’t want to help, or STFU. Trolls abound in Politics, Rate my Physique, and Steroids forums, go cry wolf there. This is the Beginner’s forum, for helping beginners. Who, as it often happens, are clueless and misinformed, because they are beginners.
They’re right, your spelling sucks and your grammer is pathetic. Using shoddy spelling and grammer marks you as unintelligent, or as lazy; neither of these things are what you want to be labelled, and you’re probably not either. So just take an extra 30 seconds or so and people will be able to easily understand you and won’t want to complain. Life gets easier all around. 
I understand where you’re coming from, and it annoys me that people don’t read anything before asking questions, but most of the time I forget about that in this forum. Newbs should not be subject to criticism as much as others, unless they ask for it by being stubborn and/or posting stupid photos when they have no business doing that.
Reminders are good, but generally I don’t say that they ‘should know that’ simply b/c I see a ton of newbs that know dick about anything. The most important thing is that they’re willing to work hard for a long time and START educating themselves.
You should read the Beginner’s threads that are stickied at the top of the forum. Especially the diet ones.
Your big calorie deficit sucks for both health and keeping muscle. Remember this–muscle is what DRIVES your metabolism. When you lose muscle, your metabolism tanks even further, thus leading to fat GAIN and/or the inability to lose fat, and/or sickness. Keeping muscle is very important for losing fat.
It is very important to know about how many calories you burn at rest, w/o any activity (your BMR).
An example should help–say you want to keep a 500 calorie deficit. You decide to take in 1500 calories a day, and burn 2000 (as per your idea). What you don’t know is that your body’s BMR is 2000. So, sitting comatose for an entire day, you burn 2000 calories. On top of this, your daily activity and exercise burns an additional 1500 calories. So in our example you eat 1500 calories, but burn 3500 calories = deficit of [u]2000[/u] calories!! This is anti-health, anti-fat loss, and anti-muscle. As a rough outline–BMR + daily activity/exercise = total energy use.
This is why you need to realize, that taking in less calories than your BMR is a very very BAD idea. You should take in less than your TOTAL energy use, not BMR. That’s why my advice to you was to eat 2700-3100 calories a day. As long as you train hard, this represents a good starting point to assess your calorie needs. Weigh yourself once a week–if you lose a pound or two, you’re on the right track. If you gain, eat a little less everyday.
You NEED a log of your weight, AND ESPECIALLY a log of your food intake–time of day, what you ate, calories it had, protein/fat/carbs. Everything you eat or drink is logged. Most people drastically over or under-eat compared with what they “think” they are eating. If you don’t train consitantly, you don’t want to eat this much and you should probably find somewhere else to get advice b/c neither I nor others are interested in those kinds of people. Sorry, that’s the truth.
Good luck.