BreStruction's Progress Log

I am a 28 y/o woman, 173cm (5’8.5"); 66kg(145lbs). I’ll record a training log 1 x month to track my progress. I welcome your feedback and advice, if it’s good. :wink:

Strengths: back extensions
Weaknesses: forearms/calves

Week 8
Day 1
rowing on a Concept II 5K, 2:15-2:20 split, and alternate power 10’s (1.46 split) last 500m
pull ups: 1x5 15kg assist; 1x4 10kg; 1x2 5kg; 1x4 10kg; 1x0 15kg
bench press: 30kg 3x3; 33kg 3x2; 35kg 1x0
calf extensions: 30kg 2x10; 35kg 2x8
sit-ups: 1x0 holding on to 5kg

Day 2:
pull ups: 1x5 15kg assist; 1x4 10kg; 1x2 5kg; 1x4 10kg; 1x0 15kg
tricep ext: 1x8 17kg; 1x8 20kg; 1x0 22kg; 1x8 20kg; 1x8 17kg
dumbell curl and overhead reach: 8kg 1x5; 10kg 1x5; 12kg 1x0
dumbell fly (shoulders): 4kg 1x8; 5kg 1x5; 6kg 1x0
back extensions (with twist to either side): (5kg 1x5; 10kg 1x6; 15kg 1x6; 20kg 1x0) x 3

Day 3:
pull ups: 1x5 15kg assist; 1x4 10kg; 1x2 5kg; 1x4 10kg; 1x0 15kg
Squat: (3x3 33kg; 3x3 44kg; 3x0 49kg) x 2
Quad extension: (1x6 25kg; 1x6 30kg; 1x6 35kg; 1x0 40kg) x 2
calf press: 30kg 2x10; 35kg 2x8
sit-ups: 1x0 holding on to 5kg on 45 deg incline

Day 4:
Rest; usually biking between 20 and 40km

Day 5:
pull ups: 1x5 15kg assist; 1x4 10kg; 1x2 5kg; 1x4 10kg; 1x0 15kg
seated row: (1x6 25kg; 1x4 30kg; 1x0 35kg) x 2
dumbell curl and overhead reach: 8kg 1x5; 10kg 1x5; 12kg 1x0
dumbell fly (shoulders): 4kg 1x8; 5kg 1x5; 6kg 1x0
back extensions (with twist to either side): (5kg 1x5; 10kg 1x6; 15kg 1x6; 20kg 1x0) x 3
Vertical knee raise: 2x10, 2x6 twist, 1x0

Day 6:
rowing on a Concept II 5K, 2:15-2:20 split, and alternate power 10’s (1.46 split) last 500m
pull ups: 1x5 15kg assist; 1x4 10kg; 1x2 5kg; 1x4 10kg; 1x0 15kg
Squat: (3x3 33kg; 3x3 44kg; 3x0 49kg) x 2
Quad extension: (1x6 25kg; 1x6 30kg; 1x6 35kg; 1x0 40kg) x 2
calf extensions: 30kg 2x10; 35kg 2x8
sit-ups: 1x0 holding on to 5kg

Day 7:
Rest; usually biking between 20 and 40km

Week 16

Warm up with seated leg press, focus on quads, 2 circuits
30kg x 10
40kg x 7
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Squats - go to max, and then cycle back down twice. Im still working on form and balance here.
15kg x 10
25kg x 10
35kg x 10
45kg x 5

Deadlifts go to max, and then cycle back down, repeat
45kg x 10
65kg x 7
75kg x 3
80kg x 1

Day 2 (Calves/Hams):
Bent Over (Look at my ass) Back Extensions, with heels pressed down - cycle x 3
holding 5kg over head x 10
holding 10kg to chest x 10
holding 20kg to chest x 10

Smith Machine calf raises go to max, and then cycle back down, repeat x 1
45kg x 15
55kg x 10
65kg x 6
75kg x 4

Day 3 - Chest/Triceps/Forearms
Bench (don’t laugh) go through 2x
10 x 15kg
10 x 25kg
6 x 30kg
4 x 35kg

Upright rows with bar - cycle through 2x
15kg x 10
20kg x 8
30kg x 4

Rope Pull down for tri’s 2x
5kg x 10
7.5kg x 8
10kg x 6
12kg x 4

Overhead triceps with barbell circuit x 2
8kg x 6
10kg x 4
12 kg x 2

Forearms curls for grip circuit x 2
6kg x 10
8kg x 7
10kg x 5
12kg x 3

Day 4 Upper Back
Seated Row - legs out in front
15kg x 10
20kg x 8
25kg x 6
30kg x 3
35kg x 1

then back down as fast as possible, repeat once

Seated row on machine that has your knees at 90 deg below you.
30kg x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 4
60kg x 2

then back down as fast as possible, repeat once

Bent over row (one arm) - cycle through 2x
16kg x 6
18kg x 5
20kg x 4

Pull ups Overhand then Underhand with assist
20kg assist O - 8; U - 8
15kg assist O - 5; U - 5
10kg assist O - 3; U - 3
5kg assist O - 1; U - 2

only do this once in the beginning of workout, and once at end.

Day 5 Abs/Forearms/Calves
depending on how I feel I throw these things in at the end of days 1-4 as well

Roman Chair thing, raise legs to chest
8 bodyweight x 3 times

sit ups with 5kg overhead and alternating legs to close like a scissors to failure

the plank…to failure.

Sit ups on incline to failure

Forearms curls for grip circuit x 2
6kg x 10
8kg x 7
10kg x 5
12kg x 3

Calf extension/press
20kg x 10
30kg x 7
35kg x 5
40kg x 3

5kg/plate flies x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 x 3

Incline press machine
15kg x 6
20kg x 4
25kg x 2
2-3 circuits

Day 6 Rest, Walking, Nothing, Biking

Day 7 Rowing, Dancing Tango

Weakness = quads/squat form; bench

this is a screen capture from my camera dig camera screen…I need a new camera.

I have very little definition between my knee and calf and genetics gave me the much dredded “cankle”. Looks like I have a straight log for a leg below the knee, so Im working on building up the calf to somehow add the curvature. Not sure if it’s possible on my body, but we’ll see. Ideas for from people in the same situation?

same low quality shot of upper back


[quote]BreStruction wrote:
I am a 28 y/o woman, 173cm (5’8.5"); 66kg(145lbs). I’ll record a training log 1 x month to track my progress. I welcome your feedback and advice, if it’s good. :wink: p.s. does anyone know if the bar weight is the same in Germany as it is in the Minnesota? (45lbs/22kg)


There are 2 types of Olympic Bars, Men’s and Women’s bars. But you’ll generally find that most gyms around the world use the men’s bars which are 20kg / 44.1 lbs and 2.2 metres long.


A little advice. Hope you don’t tear me apart like the guys in your gym.

1/ Maybe look into micro-ramping for your exercises. You seem to do a lot of reps in your warm-up sets for each exercise. By micro ramping you’ll be left fatigued for your work set, and be able to move heavier weight.

2/ I’ve only recently seen you around here so I don’t know if you had a previous log. Maybe you could add a link to your previous log in the first post, or more importantly, state your currents goals so people know what to advise on.

3/ If squat form is a problem, the man to turn to is Dan John. He has great videos on improving form, and coaching various exercises. He explains things very clearly and should be a boon. Here’s one of his videos, it’s not very clear, but very educational;

a page with more of his videos if you want to watch;

4/ Here’s a video that Dave Tate did about Bench Press form for this website;

Both coaches also have a lot of articles on here.

Hope that helps, if not, I’m sure you’ll tell me to ‘fuck off’!


[quote]London Runner wrote:

[quote]BreStruction wrote:
I am a 28 y/o woman, 173cm (5’8.5"); 66kg(145lbs). I’ll record a training log 1 x month to track my progress. I welcome your feedback and advice, if it’s good. :wink: p.s. does anyone know if the bar weight is the same in Germany as it is in the Minnesota? (45lbs/22kg)


There are 2 types of Olympic Bars, Men’s and Women’s bars. But you’ll generally find that most gyms around the world use the men’s bars which are 20kg / 44.1 lbs and 2.2 metres long.


hmmm…no idea. If so, add 5kg to everything I’m doing :slight_smile:

[quote]London Runner wrote:
A little advice. Hope you don’t tear me apart like the guys in your gym.

1/ Maybe look into micro-ramping for your exercises. You seem to do a lot of reps in your warm-up sets for each exercise. By micro ramping you’ll be left fatigued for your work set, and be able to move heavier weight.

2/ I’ve only recently seen you around here so I don’t know if you had a previous log. Maybe you could add a link to your previous log in the first post, or more importantly, state your currents goals so people know what to advise on.

3/ If squat form is a problem, the man to turn to is Dan John. He has great videos on improving form, and coaching various exercises. He explains things very clearly and should be a boon. Here’s one of his videos, it’s not very clear, but very educational;

a page with more of his videos if you want to watch;

4/ Here’s a video that Dave Tate did about Bench Press form for this website;

Both coaches also have a lot of articles on here.

Hope that helps, if not, I’m sure you’ll tell me to ‘fuck off’!


Micro-ramping: This is exactly what a friend of mine said. He’s a Power Lifter… He said most people who follow this volume of set reps are on roids. I cant be on ANY drugs because I’ll fucking go more crazy than I already am. I will try to decrease # of reps in warm-up excersizes and see if I can lift heavier.I’ll re-post in a month. I just wanted to make sure I had a firm “base” of strength.

LOGS: I’ve only been lifting for 4 months now…and I’ve been taking one week off every 3 weeks because of conferences and other life shit. This is my only log.

GOALS: I just like how it feels to be this strong. Makes me feel good about myself. I dont have any goals. I like the adrenaline rush of lifting heavy. I like being able to move furniture. I like to express my general anger and frustrations. It fulfills my addictive personality with an addiction that’s “better” than other addictions. At first I thought I wanted to look like a figure athlete. But I dont want to spray tan, and the idea of flexing on stage with other people who have dyed themselves orange and getting a trophy for it seems so anti-climactic and superficial in comparison to all the work I put into this.

SQUAT FORM: I’ll watch Dan John and Dave Tate, but I’d rather have Dan John and Dave Tate watch me.

Thanks for the advice, LR. Now fuck off :slight_smile:

This is from my Power-lifting turned Cross-Fit/Weightlifting buddy in Minnesota. If I were there, I would train with him, because he’s cool, but I’m in Deutschland.

Here is what he suggested:

Not sure why you think I hate you. I figured it was the other way around.

Too much isolation exercises. Too much volume in general. Are you
going to be a bodybuilder or something?

Get rid of everything that doesn’t require flexing more than one joint
to move the weight. For example wrist curls.

A better program would be more like:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Overhead Press
3x5 Power clean

Workout B
3x5 Deadlift
3x5 Bench Press
3x5 Pullups (attach weight if you get to more than 5 reps at a time
with bodyweight)

Do a few warm up sets at lighter weight for each exercise.
If you can do all the reps at a given weight, move up 1kg the next
time you do the workout.

A typical week might look like this

Mon: Workout A
Tue: Rest
Wed: Workout B
Thu: Rest
Fri: Workout A
Sat: Rest
Sun: Workout B

Do your dancing, biking, rowing on those rest days.

The body needs to be worked as a whole unit.

Dave Tate fucking rulz.

Dan John annoys me.

1/ Pick one.
2/ Buy it.
3/ Do it.
4/ Get stronger.

I prefer 5/3/1


[quote]London Runner wrote:
1/ Pick one.
2/ Buy it.
3/ Do it.
4/ Get stronger.

I prefer 5/3/1


I want personal training/feedback - not a book!!!

A PHD student that can’t appreciate the amount of value and information that can be gained from a book? No one can give you feedback on your goal if you aren’t doing the ‘right things’ to achieve your goals.

Going to the gym is one thing, but there’s so much more to it. ‘Teach a man to fish’ and all that bullshit. No one’s going to be able to hold your hand through this whole process, which it seems you want.

If you want personal training, hire a personal trainer, just remember that 99.9% of them don’t know what they’re doing, and will probably put you on some bullshit cookie cutter program which ‘they think’ is right for you.

Which is why sometimes you have to turn to that 0.1% for advice. Jim Wendler (Dave Tate’s business partner) is one of those people that fall into that 0.1%, so you can fly to Ohio and spend $5k a month to train at their facility (if they think you’re worthy enough), or you can buy his e-book (very cheap), which will provide you with a tried and tested program to get a whole lot stronger.

It’s the most popular strength program around for a reason. Look in the training logs thread, I’m pretty sure at least 50% of them have something to do with 5/3/1.


[quote]London Runner wrote:
A PHD student that can’t appreciate the amount of value and information that can be gained from a book? No one can give you feedback on your goal if you aren’t doing the ‘right things’ to achieve your goals.

Going to the gym is one thing, but there’s so much more to it. ‘Teach a man to fish’ and all that bullshit. No one’s going to be able to hold your hand through this whole process, which it seems you want.

If you want personal training, hire a personal trainer, just remember that 99.9% of them don’t know what they’re doing, and will probably put you on some bullshit cookie cutter program which ‘they think’ is right for you.

Which is why sometimes you have to turn to that 0.1% for advice. Jim Wendler (Dave Tate’s business partner) is one of those people that fall into that 0.1%, so you can fly to Ohio and spend $5k a month to train at their facility (if they think you’re worthy enough), or you can buy his e-book (very cheap), which will provide you with a tried and tested program to get a whole lot stronger.

It’s the most popular strength program around for a reason. Look in the training logs thread, I’m pretty sure at least 50% of them have something to do with 5/3/1.


I’m saying that I dont know what I’m doing wrong unless someone can actually watch me do it correct me…in situ :stuck_out_tongue: I’m all about books and research, that’s how I got here. But no matter how much I read DOING is always much more valuable than reading.

That’s like learning to ride a horse by reading about it. It’s kind of impossible. If you dont know how to ride a horse, I dare you to try your theory out there. Read a bunch of books about dressage, then go to the stable, tack up your $50,000 horse, and perform a 3rd level test. lolz. Yeah, literature helps, but nothing is like doing with an instructor/mentor/advisor present. I’ll find a good one. Dont you worry.

That’s why I said hire a trainer. But most will tell you, not to squat, not to deadlift etc, and I think that’s bullshit. From your attitude, you seem serious about this, so it’s only right you do it properly.

Fortunately for me, I’m someone that can learn from watching others, People in the gym, Youtube etc. There’s plenty of coaching vids that cam be found on-line, but I understand that they’re not for everyone.

The only advice I can give that I think will help, is to watch the good ones, try to imitate, get someone in the gym to film you doing them (side on for the main lifts), and then post them on here for critique.

About dressage, I’m sorry but making horses dance is not my thing, but I am more then competent when it comes to riding. :slight_smile:


oh my goodness!

for starters i must confess my embarrassing love for germans! and you are LOVELY!

i never knew of this log! you should come over to powerful women…lots more traffic form some experienced and helpful ladies and gents. not to say this area doesn’t offer that i have no clue-i have never looked here :stuck_out_tongue:

as for program advice–i say whatever floats your boat, try whatever is clever i say. find something that you really enjoy and your body will go for it–in my experience at least.

[quote]brute_fury wrote:
oh my goodness!

for starters i must confess my embarrassing love for germans! and you are LOVELY!

i never knew of this log! you should come over to powerful women…lots more traffic form some experienced and helpful ladies and gents. not to say this area doesn’t offer that i have no clue-i have never looked here :stuck_out_tongue:

as for program advice–i say whatever floats your boat, try whatever is clever i say. find something that you really enjoy and your body will go for it–in my experience at least.[/quote]

Haha you’re awesome…

I’m only “POSING” as German … I’ve been living in the Motherland for 1 year… 3 more to go. Im a Yank with some German in me I guess :slight_smile: I will post my next update in “Powerful Women” I promise. Thanks for the nice complements… though you should know I am more motivated by ass-kicking and put-downs than complements :stuck_out_tongue: