I have been posting for a little while then kind of disappeared. Stupid personal shit! My name is Wendy and Im pretty new to powerlifting but I fucking love it! I started training for my first meet in August (immediately after finishing a fitness competition.) and lifted November in the APF Texas State meet. Im in the 132 class and I squatted 281.5lb, deadlifted 308lb and scratched on all of my benches (LONG story).
I only lift raw (im not SO badass like Deja, I do use a belt). Anyways, I am a personal trainer and I own my own boot camp business. I train 99% of my clients the same way I do, heavy as shit.(all females!) I have a complex about gaining muscle, so I have a very odd rep/set scheme that I dont recommend anyone follows. I gain muscle by walking past a weight heavier than my max. But I do know how to get stronger without piling it on. Its stupid because my goal is to squat 315 (i have already pulled it, just not at my meet) and I know I will have to put on a little more but as little as possible.
I do research upon research to maximize weight from form on squats and deadlifts and would love to help anyone if they need it. My bench, the most I have done is 135, not bad, but I would like to get to 150. I love reading all of your journals and I am going to try to post mine when I can.
hey good to see you posting again, i was wondering where you split to. your background from fitness to PL interests me very much, as i read you had some great body comp changes when you started lifting heavy and eating more…how most of us like it around here. and along with kimba, i’d like if you wouldn’t mind to elaborate on your complex about gaining muscle? is that you pulling that truck? wow…
anyhoo, glad you are back and i look forward to reading some more about you. and i’m a newb to ‘real’ squats and DLs, so i’d be happy for any advice you may have for me. i needs some work for sure.
congrats on competing. do you have another comp planned?
Hey, I wondered where you went…looking forward to following you. I’m kinda new to heavier lifting so feel free to stop by my thread and critique away. Btw, I like your thread title.
Hey everyone! Yes, that is me pulling the truck. Unfortunately its the only one i could get to load before…I just had a photoshoot last night so hopefully i will get those soon so i can put one as my avatar. I am planning on competing in the APF meet in Austin, TX that is on April 24th, but I might do a fitness show before that. Im not sure…My muscle gaining complex (im such a hypocrite but I am an insecure female at times!) I am only 5’2 and have a sick case of body dysmorphia.
I started training for my first fitness show in April of 2008 weighing 125 (yay! my goal weight) my BF at the time trained me for my show and because I was dieting trained me REALLY heavy (bastard got me hooked!) in order to preserve my muscle. Well, he didnt believe me when I said I gained muscle STUPID easy and I stepped on stage weighing around 135. With fat dropped and slight water retention. YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO GAIN WEIGHT GOING IN TO A SHOW!!! But, lo and behold I did.
And ever since then I have had this complex. I feel like I look huge for my height. Then this year for another fitness show, I dieted so FUCKING low calories, Im talk less than 900 a day, an hour and a half of cardio (7 days a week), I weight trained 5 days a week, trained legs heavy for 6 days a week (to overtrain them and make them smaller) and had routine practice 3-5 days a week. 12 weeks of that. I got down to 129 and even after my show I stay there eating WAY more and training for PLing
. I recently bulked up to 135 after my meet and now I cant seem to get under 138. My eating has been shit and I got sick for a little while and took a week off. Unfortunately, Ive given my body the time to rest and Im eating at a surplus for calories and now Im gaining more muscle. What is a girl to do? (im being VERY dramatic) Anyways, i want to compete in the 132 range so Im going to have to get leaner, and drop some of this FUCKING WATER.
Whew…long ass explanation…If you stuck through it here is my workout today…
Warmup: 135x6 185x6
Working Sets: 225x4 265x4 275x2 295x1 (NEW MAX!!!) 315x X(i was feeling ballsy and had a great spotter)
Dead Stop Squats: 225x3 225x3 225x3
Wow…after typing it, it doesnt seem like that much!
[quote]arachne12 wrote:
and you squat 295? I love you.[/quote]
holy shit! that is freakin amazing!
[quote]elano wrote:
Horray for women who squat. May one day women realize how sexy it makes their bodies.[/quote]
Second this! I tell all my female friends to please start squatting. Nothing sexier than a girl in a squat rack vs under the Smith machine. Unfortunately, at my gym, this means TWO girls…one who is my ex lol
[quote]BlackWidowGirl wrote:
I just had a photoshoot last night so hopefully i will get those soon so i can put one as my avatar. [/quote]
I would also very much be interested to hear more about this photo shoot. I am planning a photo shoot for next month with a photographer friend of mine who doesn’t usually shoot people (she’s a pet photographer but wants to get people experience and I’m her guinea pig). I’d love to hear about what you wore, how you went about getting hair/makeup done. You know, the details.
WOW! Thank you all so much for your compliments! I was pumped for my 295…The photo shoot went pretty well, I wish i was just a tiny bit leaner but it works for what Im trying to do. Im going to make workout cards with pics for my clients so they can see what they are trying to do in addition to just written instructions. I just care so much for women seeing how strong they are and realizing what they can do and not only focusing on what they cant do or how weak we have been programmed to think we are.
The photoshoot was mainly for my bootcamp but the photographer did this as a bonus. I wore zero makeup and just had my hair in a ponytail. It wasnt about me looking hot or sexy, it was just trying to get good shots of the exercises. Its actually good I wasnt jacked shredded cause I think it would freak average girls out. I will post some pics asap. I just have to wait to get my cd from the photographer. Im so sorry I havent been active again on these boards. Im off tomorrow so i will have a better opportunity…
I have the same feelings of wanting to help and be an inspiration, especially to the female crowd…
How did you get into the bizz? You sound pretty darn successful at it, AND you practice what you preach which is even MORE awesome!!
[quote]BlackWidowGirl wrote:
I just care so much for women seeing how strong they are and realizing what they can do and not only focusing on what they cant do or how weak we have been programmed to think we are. [/quote]
The photoshoot was mainly for my bootcamp but the photographer did this as a bonus. I wore zero makeup and just had my hair in a ponytail. It wasnt about me looking hot or sexy, it was just trying to get good shots of the exercises. Its actually good I wasnt jacked shredded cause I think it would freak average girls out. [/quote]
mucho props on not going over-kill on sexiness for bootcamp advertising. i get tired of the over-done women, ripped or not, trying to look waay too hot when they are ‘advertising’ athletics or fitness.
now, don’t get me wrong, we still want to see the hot peektures of you here…
Thank you again! If you guys want to see what I do for my bootcamp here is my myspace address: Strong Woman Athletic Training (1swat) on Myspace SWAT is the name of my bootcamp and it stands for Strong Woman Athletic Training. The motto is “1 Strong Woman At a Time”. (again, SWAT)I give out dog tags for everyone’s 4th completed session.
The pics and videos are from before we got our t-shirts but we still do the same stuff. I am in the white long sleeve shirt with the camo shorts. Let me know what you guys think!