So NO flaming me on this one. How many other t playaz have had trouble unhitching a bra strap when they are hooking up with a t-vixen. I have not been the player of playaz since my undergrad dayz and I was completely embarrassed when I could not figure out how to unhitch this tight ass clamp this girl was wearing. Piss on that and just rip the shit off.
Anyway, pleased to say that she didn’t kick me out.
I seem to fail miserably every time I try to take a bra off of a girl. I often wonder how the hell they get those things off. Oh well.
Maybe you should practise on me son, til you get the hang of it.
That’s why I carry a Spyderco.
Ooo well I keep a store dummy in my bed to practice such “arts” on
I can do it one-handed! bwahaha…
i dont have a problem with the bra, but those damn chasstity (sp?) belts on the virgins!
It’s all about the placement of the fingers. I’ve never done it two handed, but I know that one-handed, you have to make sure your thumb is in the center of the band. Trap the part of the strap that ends up against her back with either the thumb or the forefinger, pressing it against her back so that it doesn’t slip. Use the unoccupied digit to pull the top part. It’ll come right off. I’ve never done a front snap, though.
Yeah I practiced until I thought I had it. This is when I was 17 or 18. So I’m with my girlfriend and I just couldn’t figure it out. I started to panic and she finally started laughing. She was kind enough to point out that some latch on the front. I don’t know if I ever would’ve found it. I’m happy to report that I can now do it with teeth or feet. I could probably be tied up with bras cuffing my hands and feet and be locked in a wooden chest, thrown underwater and escape before I drown like Houdini.
Just a little advice from a female perspective…I personally find it extremely erotic when the bra is left partly on from time to time, straps lowered, and the rest pushed down pulled up or whatever has to happen to get it out of the way but not completely off (same with the panties, by the way, but pick one or the other), also if you push it down, there will be way more slack when it is around her waist making it much easier to unhook. Just try not to fumble around for ten minutes trying to unhook it first before getting to the push down, it has to be lusty but smooth, working the straps slowly down the shoulders earns big points. Maybe a throwback to covert high school-esque grope sessions, who knows, but I find it sexy as hell and I know I am not the only one.
Good lord! I’m at work! Don’t do that to us!
Oops…sorry. Just take two asprin and wait for the swelling to go down…hehehe
Shut up bitch! By the way, my mom passed away when I was born. Haha, jokes on you faggot!
im rusty’s mother not yours. duh i was replying to him! dickhead
Shut up you whining little bitches. I’ve practiced on all your mothers…dead or alive!
See, now I’ve been told the exact opposite by several girls. That leaving the bra anywhere near the breasts in any state of undone-ness is extremely uncomfortable and “juvenille”. They would rather you just take it off. But I can see the logic in removing the bra straps off the arm first. That’s pretty smooth. I’ll have to try that.
Now, I can easily remove a bra strap with two fingers in about 2-3 seconds. I have a friend who by word from his gf can remove them with one finger. But wouldn’t this almost come across as a little, I don’t know, too smooth? Like “whoa … you’ve done this way too many times” and give the appearance that you’re a payer. Or is it just smooth and suave??
Oh, well I guess if your my adopted mom its legal or something. No blood relations and what not.
Well, obviously it’s an individual thing. I don’t like it all the time, but occasionally I like the must-get-at-you-now-he-man sort of thing. Also, I should clarify that it’s a foreplay move. It should be off by the time things become more…integrated.
As far as being too smooth (physically), never! I mean there is a time for deliberate, slow, smooth moves and a time for, well, wild, crazy, animalness. Variety is key, just pay attention to her and give her what she wants. But I wouldn’t worry about being too good, if you are a player, it isn’t your fine technique that’s going to give you away!
I can just see you slicing some girls bra strap with a spyderco. Hahahah. Hey I am still remembering the caps.
More women should be like my girl. She either wants it torn off in a rage of passion. You know the kind of passion guys when you see big natural double d’s and you just lose your mind on the girl or she likes what savannah said. Just pull at the cups and let them flop out. Then let her ride and watch the way the bounce. God I love my girl.