But theres a really fucked up side of bodybuilding that I hate.
Gay prostitutes.
The bullshit supplement industry.
The outlandish venice beach lifestyle.
Jail time.
Some of this shit is just ridiculous. I don’t have a problem with steroid use, but I don’t like it when prostitution, drugs and dudes getting busted left and right is part of the bodybuilding “scene”.
Read around for a while on Craig Titus, Dan Duchaine, Joe Weider and the supplement industry (start with EAS and Met-Rx) and you’ll begin to catch a glimpse of how friggin nasty our sport is when you can see past what it bills itself as.
I think it was TC that wrote an article about this a few years ago. Can’t remember what it was called but I’m sure someone will chime in and point it out for ya’.
I didn’t think I was being particularly ambiguous before.
The venice beach scene is full of guys trying to get big, with a sugar-daddy trading massages for money, or selling their assholes out on the town to support their habit.
Its really hard to speak in depth about this, given that I’ve only been out there twice, but it was really apparent that there was some very gimpy shit going on.
I’m always skeptical to how much of this ‘dark side of bodybuilding’ stuff actually goes on. I can’t help but think that people write articles about this stuff just because it gives some mystique and interest to an activity filled with guys whose daily routines involve doing the same workouts all the time, eating the same bland shit at the same time every day, going to bed at a decent hour every night, and looking for injection sites that aren’t totally scarred over yet.
[quote]Hadow Khan wrote:
I didn’t think I was being particularly ambiguous before.
The venice beach scene is full of guys trying to get big, with a sugar-daddy trading massages for money, or selling their assholes out on the town to support their habit.
Its really hard to speak in depth about this, given that I’ve only been out there twice, but it was really apparent that there was some very gimpy shit going on.[/quote]
Ugh,Your kidding…thats just way to gross. I thought the whole point of lifting weights was to look good=crushing pussy. I guess Californian BB are a whole different breeds huh? I guess that explains the Bear on the state flag.
[quote]Hadow Khan wrote:
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
But theres a really fucked up side of bodybuilding that I hate.
Gay prostitutes.
The bullshit supplement industry.
The outlandish venice beach lifestyle.
Jail time.
Some of this shit is just ridiculous. I don’t have a problem with steroid use, but I don’t like it when prostitution, drugs and dudes getting busted left and right is part of the bodybuilding “scene”.
Read around for a while on Craig Titus, Dan Duchaine, Joe Weider and the supplement industry (start with EAS and Met-Rx) and you’ll begin to catch a glimpse of how friggin nasty our sport is when you can see past what it bills itself as.
If you don’t realize that bodybuilding is a weird sport rife with gay nonsense and other weirdness you must not get out much.
This has been talked about for over thirty years that I can recall, ever since I started lifting.
Not everyone that wants to bodybuild is gay, but there is a lot of gay stuff in bodybuilding and has been for as long as it’s been around.
Since when has bodybuilding been considered a sport?
My view is that it used to be a form of art and still is to some degree, just not in the mainstream (Olympia)… It certainly is physical to the extreme, but winning a bodybuilding contest doesn’t have anything to do with being a great athlete.
No reason to beat around this bush again though.
Also, if you have ever seen a light/midleweight bodybuilder pose in a tinyteeny pink thong all oiled and painted up close… you’ve just witnessed the definition of “ghey”. This happened to me in my old gym’s cellar locker room, I turned purple trying to hold my breath to keep the laughter inside (Though I do respect the effort it took that guy to get into great shape and I certainly wouldn’t try to claim physical superiority over him).
[quote]Hadow Khan wrote:
I don’t know where I’m going with this.
But theres a really fucked up side of bodybuilding that I hate.
Gay prostitutes.
The bullshit supplement industry.
The outlandish venice beach lifestyle.
Jail time.
Some of this shit is just ridiculous. I don’t have a problem with steroid use, but I don’t like it when prostitution, drugs and dudes getting busted left and right is part of the bodybuilding “scene”.
Read around for a while on Craig Titus, Dan Duchaine, Joe Weider and the supplement industry (start with EAS and Met-Rx) and you’ll begin to catch a glimpse of how friggin nasty our sport is when you can see past what it bills itself as.
A read through Steroid Nation and Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder are quite entertaining. Guy humping a coke machine, training in diapers for those ‘heavy sets,’ pretty much any aspect of Duchaine, all over the top, revealing glimpses of the fine and upstanding members of the bodybuilding community. Also a good remedy for those still suffering from any Weider induced brain haze.
The elite and best circles of anything,… sports, music, or art tend to have a higher percentage of deviant behavior. Your just biased towards bodybuilding because it’s your chosen interest. Being pyscho just tends to give people a mental edge if it doesn’t destroy them.
OP, the stuff you’re speaking of is nothing new or surprising to anyone who’s been following bodybuilding or reading this site for any length of time.
[quote]duece wrote:
I think it was TC that wrote an article about this a few years ago. Can’t remember what it was called but I’m sure someone will chime in and point it out for ya’.[/quote]
That article caused quite a stir back in the good old days of Testosterone.net. Whether you believe the interviewee or not, the article certainly makes for interesting reading.
As for the mention of Sam Fussel’s book, Muscle, that’s one of my favorite reads of all time; all the way up until the last chapter, at least. I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it, but let’s just say he does a complete 180 regarding his attitude toward bodybuilding in the last few pages of the book.
Wow,Can you even imagine any of that? Its like a Roman/Greek/Spartan Orgy. I read somewhere that abck in thoese days,the rich and elite that actually had the time to lift weights and sculpt their bodies had aprties and walk around nude and threw orgies and wild crap like that. Its really hard to imagine that it happens today even with the pros and the guys you see on the cover of magazines but then again,it isent so far fetch considering.