Bodybuilding and Cross Country

My parents except me to continue with my team. And their right if you join a team you make a dedicated decision and have to stick with it. Either way after the districts on the 18th I am going to compete in my first bodybuilding show. I have lost a ton of my mass, what mass I had managed to build. And went from 160 down to 149.

 Because as you know the training is on opposite spectrums which sucks because it has hurt both hobbys. My bodybuilding physique is dissappearing and my time's are slowed by all the food I'm trying to down and weight training. But back to the question, to try to keep these last slivers of size on before the show is there any post workout drink for cross country you'd encourage it would be a ton of help. 

There isn’t any magic shake you can drink that will bring any sort of drastic change to your physique.

If you wanted to add muscle you should have picked a different sport then cross country.

Before every practice eat a whole chicken, once you’ve finished practice drink a whole gallon of milk.

Wait about an hour or two and do that again 5 more times throughout the day.
Do this everyday.
For the rest of your life.
And you’ll be bigger in no time.

Why are you considering doing a bodybuilding show at 5’8" and 160 (or 149) pounds?

I don’t really know what to say besides there is no way you will excel at both sports. Do one or the other. Run CC til the season is over then start BB’ing again with whatever mass you have. I don’t mean to be a dick but I laughed when I read the title of this thread. You’ll be ‘kinda sorta maybe ok’ (at best) if you’re trying to do both.

Good luck

lol yeah its expected I’m in high school and I want to expercience as many things as possible. I’m competeting in the teen division I’ve read teens come in pretty weak alot of the time, and at a light weight comparing my physique’s to the winner of last year’s I think I have them.

The milk and whole chicken is good advice obviously supposed to be a joke but good. Only that chicken will get puked and whole milk after cross country is not an easy thing to drink. Would a protein shake help after CC or just keep trying to eat clean and in large amounts.

My idea is that I'm bringing an athletic physique a much smaller beginning Frank Zane.  Thanks for the good luck.

I can post some shots of how I am looking about right now.


side tricep

and that’s it. You can hopefully give me some more constructive critiscm on that.

granted its all upper body shots.

The pictures look pretty decent. Nice job tnt.

As far as the food/shakes go, I’d say a protein shake after your workout wouldn’t hurt, so yeah I’d do it if I was you. Just don’t expect that to be a cure all and keep all the muscle you’ve got to stick around.

I give you props for wanting to experience as much as you can while you can. I do miss the sports aspect of HS. I’d say take advantage of it, and if there’s any winter/spring sports you want to try (even if you’re a senior or inexperienced) DO IT! I also give props on sticking out the CC season even though it may not be your passion or #1 goal right now.

Kick some ass in CC these next few weeks then hit BB’ing hard (if thats what you want). Also, you’re young- don’t fret if you aren’t huge yet. It takes time–work hard and you’ll get there.

[quote]DouglasJ16 wrote:
The pictures look pretty decent. Nice job tnt.

As far as the food/shakes go, I’d say a protein shake after your workout wouldn’t hurt, so yeah I’d do it if I was you. Just don’t expect that to be a cure all and keep all the muscle you’ve got to stick around.

I give you props for wanting to experience as much as you can while you can. I do miss the sports aspect of HS. I’d say take advantage of it, and if there’s any winter/spring sports you want to try (even if you’re a senior or inexperienced) DO IT! I also give props on sticking out the CC season even though it may not be your passion or #1 goal right now.

Kick some ass in CC these next few weeks then hit BB’ing hard (if thats what you want). Also, you’re young- don’t fret if you aren’t huge yet. It takes time–work hard and you’ll get there.


I really appreciate this man. This is about the best advice I’ve gotten on here except atomic dog. Usually its a flame war thanks for taking the time to actually help me out. I’m pretty big into wrestling too and qualified for the states as a sophmore so I’m hoping to do big things there. But again very much appreciated good advice I’ll work my ass off for CC and hopefully go win that BB contest.

Are you planning on doing a teen show? No offense to you, but you will stand no chance at that weight in the men’s division.

I know how it is to be an athlete and try and bodybuild. I played baseball throughout my life and even in college. It is impossible to excel at both.

You can bodybuild at any time in your life. I’d say weigh your passions and find out what you like best, if you want to bodybuild and compete then drop cc. If you want to do cross country then you can still train like a bodybuilder but I wouldn’t compete until you can dedicate yourself to it.

Calories should be unrestricted to you, protein and carbs always does the job pwo no matter what your doing.

Good base tho man…keep it up.


How much time are you going to have between the end of cross country and the bodybuilding show?

If you’ve had the mass before, it wouldn’t take very long at all to get it back, keeping in mind you’ll also need time for contest prep.

Not a problem. I’ve received a lot of helpful advice in my day (I’m only 20) so I like to return the favor whenever possible.

I’ll say this too: You’re getting to the age where you should focus on some areas where you can excel (and you know you’re good). I played 5-6 sports up until hs but thats impossible to do throughout hs and I eventually dropped to 2 after freshman year…but I did well in both and they were my passion.

Also, be careful- if you try to do CC, BB’ing, wrestling, track, baseball, etc it’ll be hard to do real well at every one. Like I said I’m all for experiencing as much as you can while you have the opportunities, but don’t try to do EVERYTHING and sell yourself short where you could win states (wrestling, BB’ing, whatever) but didn’t because you were training for something else.

If you want to win states this winter, train for that. Some may argue with me, but you’re young and still maturing. It’ll take you until you’re in your mid 20’s (at least) before you’ll really be large when looked at as a ‘grown man’ (if you will). You can however wrestle other hs’ers (at 152, or 160 or whatever) and be a state champ. Also, when you graduate, changes aren’t great you’ll be wrestling in college–but you bet your ass you’ll have an opportunity to BB throughout your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s etc.

[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
Are you planning on doing a teen show? No offense to you, but you will stand no chance at that weight in the men’s division.

I know how it is to be an athlete and try and bodybuild. I played baseball throughout my life and even in college. It is impossible to excel at both.

You can bodybuild at any time in your life. I’d say weigh your passions and find out what you like best, if you want to bodybuild and compete then drop cc. If you want to do cross country then you can still train like a bodybuilder but I wouldn’t compete until you can dedicate yourself to it.

Calories should be unrestricted to you, protein and carbs always does the job pwo no matter what your doing.

Good base tho man…keep it up.


Yes I’m planning on doing a teen show. And no doubt! I was checking some of the pics from the men’s division they are truly dedicated machines. Does all the restricted food need to be clean or is fast food an option just to get the calories in I’ve been trying to keep eating clean.

[quote]mr popular wrote:
How much time are you going to have between the end of cross country and the bodybuilding show?

If you’ve had the mass before, it wouldn’t take very long at all to get it back, keeping in mind you’ll also need time for contest prep.[/quote]

I have a week to focus solely on the contest so very little time. I will more then likely just try to get any mass back with a moderate week of lifting. Since this is my first contest and going to get my feet wet, but ofcourse my plan is to win. As Mark Twain said “ignorance and confidence are a sure mixture for success.”

[quote]DouglasJ16 wrote:
Not a problem. I’ve received a lot of helpful advice in my day (I’m only 20) so I like to return the favor whenever possible.

I’ll say this too: You’re getting to the age where you should focus on some areas where you can excel (and you know you’re good). I played 5-6 sports up until hs but thats impossible to do throughout hs and I eventually dropped to 2 after freshman year…but I did well in both and they were my passion.

Also, be careful- if you try to do CC, BB’ing, wrestling, track, baseball, etc it’ll be hard to do real well at every one. Like I said I’m all for experiencing as much as you can while you have the opportunities, but don’t try to do EVERYTHING and sell yourself short where you could win states (wrestling, BB’ing, whatever) but didn’t because you were training for something else.

If you want to win states this winter, train for that. Some may argue with me, but you’re young and still maturing. It’ll take you until you’re in your mid 20’s (at least) before you’ll really be large when looked at as a ‘grown man’ (if you will). You can however wrestle other hs’ers (at 152, or 160 or whatever) and be a state champ. Also, when you graduate, changes aren’t great you’ll be wrestling in college–but you bet your ass you’ll have an opportunity to BB throughout your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s etc.[/quote]

more great advice, and your right wrestling if I won the states could definitly get me some college money which is important. Bodybuilding is an addiction though once you get your first good pump its hard to just stop the hobby and focus on just one thing.

As for constructive criticism, Your legs look like sticks from behind, almost no width. I assume that has alot to do with running CC, but I wouldn’t do a show until you get your legs up.

[quote]tnt2005 wrote:
more great advice, and your right wrestling if I won the states could definitly get me some college money which is important. Bodybuilding is an addiction though once you get your first good pump its hard to just stop the hobby and focus on just one thing.

No doubt about the addiction dude. Again, good luck- keep us posted.